GM automobile and the Schwarzchild radius

by Herb Zinser

Concept Paper CP-148 by Herb Zinser on astrophysics concepts that apply to the astrophysics SUBSET universe  ---> the astrophysics galactic LOCAL region (EARTH).


If astrophysics laws and ideas exist for entities millions of mile away ...they may also apply to EVENTS on Nature's EARTH LAB.

  • The Schwarzschild Radius - HyperPhysics

    Georgia State University

    HyperPhysics***** Astrophysics, R Nave ... The Schwarzschild radius (event horizon) just marks the radius of a sphere past which we can get no particles, ...
  • Karl Schwarzschild - The Physics of the Universe

    His work generated many original concepts which now bear his name, such as Schwarzschild coordinates, the Schwarzschild metric, the Schwarzschild radius
stephen hawking.PNG

Above, we see the equation word --> marry --> math array.

Hence, via  bio-math fe=ferrous oxide Fe= female with proper noun Jane Wi(lde) and
her subliminal  Wi = Wisconsin post office address in EARTH's mathematical-physics gravity/magnetic  matrix field array   .....and the array mapping to the Earth geography location of Jane Wisconsin  with GM iron automobile factory  ....iron interacts with  the gravity  and NORTH POLE magnetic data fields and its SYMBOL LIFE.


Atomic number HIGHWAY 26 is in shown below

Janesville, wisconsin map 26 and 43.PNG

Below, the North Pole magnetic field signal for EARTH Language researchers with Jane Wilde and the  secret communications bridge of Cam.BRIDGE university.

little orphan  annie daddy warbucks baghdad sandy sandy hook.PNG
We see the EPIC code above --> EARTH picture language  technology that goes back to the ZINJAN skull time period ... over 1 million years ago  ..when the optical nerve / eye /  retina saw the EXTERNAL WORLD of trees and hills and r…

We see the EPIC code above --> EARTH picture language  technology that goes back to the ZINJAN skull time period ... over 1 million years ago  ..when the optical nerve / eye /  retina saw the EXTERNAL WORLD of trees and hills and rivers.   Modern Madison Avenue advertising uses this ancient technology to manipulate the human brain for marketing and sales goals .....  and in that process they wish to destroy the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.


Thus we see the E Picture  and its proper  noun attachments   .... the math  mapping to modern  SPORTS military region.


The mapping .......

Golf sports  --> Persian GULF Pentagon sports

Tiger Woods --> Tigerus River

Golf BAG + DAD of Tiger Woods --> BAGhDAD 

golf greens --> green money needed to create a  war is good for the economy



Mathematicians use the sine function (Sin) to express the shape of a wave. The mathematical equation representing the simplest wave looks like this:


y = Sin(x)


This equation describes how a wave would be plotted on a graph, stating that y (the value of the vertical coordinate on the graph) is a function of the sine of the number x (the horizontal coordinate).

picture - system 370.PNG