Boy Scout and other war casualties over the Tesla Wardenclyffe Towers

by Herb Zinser

RD-blog-number-5088  by Herb Zinser reviews the Tesla vibration war on EARTH and the Tesla virus (T-virus).

The signaling  event that provides data on the T-virus …..


Boston Marathon bombings

The Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon at 2:49 pm EDT, killing 3 people and injuring an estimated 264 others.[4] The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart, near the finish line on Boylston Street.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took over the investigation, and on April 18, released photographs and a surveillance video of two suspects.The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.


To  deliver the complex  T-virus PROBLEM message ….. Nature’s SYMBOL  MACHINE  used  proximity message  techniques and parallel  processing to SELECT  a proper noun profile that best told the message –> T  – virus.



Thus the Darwinian selection of  …..

agent for  virus message –> word –> Virus –> V  + i  + rus  –> Vector interface  Russian

Nature’s code word –> Russian –> Ru + ssi + an –> Request Unit (VTAM SNA )  storage-storage-instruction atomic number

T –> Tsa  rna  ev  –> messenger RNA

mRNA / messenger RNA | Learn Science at Scitable – Nature





Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a subtype of RNA. An mRNA molecule carries a portion of the DNA code to other parts of the cell for processing. mRNA is created .



T e s l  a  –>  subset letters –>  Tsarnaev

–> Nature’s messenger RNA ….. for







The Tesla war zone in Croatia

under President Bill Clinton


Battle of Vukovar

The Battle of Vukovar (CroatianBitka za VukovarSerbianБитка за Вуковар, Bitka za Vukovar) was an 87-day siege of Vukovar in eastern Croatia by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA), supported by variousparamilitary forces from Serbia, between August and November 1991. Before the Croatian War of Independence the Baroque town was a prosperous, mixed community of CroatsSerbs and other ethnic groups. As Yugoslavia began to break up, Serbia’s President Slobodan Milošević and Croatia’s PresidentFranjo Tuđman started to pursue nationalist politics




Croatian War 1991 Vukovar destruction

Map of the EARTH geography region  ………



A street of ruined buildings with rubble strewn across the road. A red tractor and


Battle of Vukovar




The JNA began to intervene in favour of the rebellion, and conflict broke out in the eastern Croatian region of Slavonia in May 1991. In August, the JNA launched a full-scale attack against Croatian-held territory in eastern Slavonia, including Vukovar.

Vukovar was defended by around 1,800 lightly armed soldiers of the

Croatian National Guard (ZNG)

and civilian volunteers, against 36,000 JNA soldiers and Serb paramilitaries equipped with heavy armour and artillery. During the battle, shells and rockets were fired into the town at a rate of up to 12,000 a day



Wardenclyffe Tower
Wardenclyffe Tower
Wardenclyffe Tower
Wardenclyffe Tower
Wardenclyffe Tower
Wardenclyffe Tower



Wardenclyffe Tower
Wardenclyffe Tower



The Vukovar water tower 

Heavily damaged in the battle, the tower has been preserved as

a symbol of the


Wardenclyffe Tower


 Croatia WAR ZONE .. the  region that Nikola Tesla was born.


Thus we have the   important TWO TOWERs .... the Wardenclyffe Tower   and the  Battle of the Vukovar Tower.

Symbol Machine language codes ...

Wardenclyffe Towers............
War            ff     Towers  with Base 16 hex'ff' = High-values  = decimal 255 

Vukovar Towers battle

These battles and wars over these 2 separate Towers ...   converged into 1 giant EARTH system battle of Two Towers on    September 11, 2001 in  Nikola Tesla's final home ..Manhattan..


For Nikola Tesla, nearly all of his creative work took place in Manhattan, and where ..

Nikola Tesla, nearly all of his creative work took place in Manhattan,

Nikola Tesla, nearly all of his creative work took place in Manhattan,

Nikola Tesla, nearly all of his creative work took place in Manhattan,




Hijacked Jets Destroy Twin Towers and Hit Pentagon

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11)[nb 1] were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people (including 19 hijackers) and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage.[2]

The attacks killed 2,996 people 

The attacks killed 2,996 people 
The attacks killed 2,996 people 
The attacks killed 2,996 people 
The attack code    29  -->  copper  and its Nikola Tesla   message from the city within  electricity




World Trade Center site - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World Trade Center site (ZIP code: 10048), formerly known as "Ground Zero" after the September 11 attacks, sits on 16 acres (65,000 m2) in Lower  ...


attacks, sits on 16 acres
attacks, sits on 16 acres
attacks, sits on 16 ac  --> ac --> Tesla  identifier code --> alternating cycles

The September 11 attacks  ...... Washington , DC --> Direct Current

War of Currents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The lower cost of AC power distribution prevailed, though DC systems persisted in ... At the introduction of Edison's system, no practical AC motor was available. ..


  • AC Induction motor. Why? | Forums | Tesla Motors

    Tesla Motors

    The AC motor needs the inverter and there has to be some loss in efficiency doing that. Why not use a DC .... If it used a DC motor it would be called an Edison.


    • Alternating Current (AC) vs. Direct Current (DC) - learn ...

      SparkFun Electronics

      AC vs. DC. Edison. Thomas Edison (Image courtesy of ... Lights andmotors could be connected between either the +110V or 110V socket and ... WithTesla's patents, Westinghouse worked to perfect the AC distribution system.


      Tesla's AC Induction Motor is one of the 10 greatest ...


      Above: One of the original AC Tesla Induction Motors on display in the British Science ... In 1884, Tesla came to the United States and joined the Edison Machine


      Thus the tragic EVENT of September 11 was Nature's  created  signaling EVENT  about several things involving EARTH systems problems and conflicts  ..... that need to be understood and then fixed ..if  possible






      1. in other words ………… 



      1. A  vibration sent through the earth
        A  vibration sent through the earth
        A  vibration sent through the earth

        A  vibration sent through the earth
        A  vibration sent through the earth  ………..
      2. During the TESLA wars ……Croatia battle, shells and rockets were fired into the town at a rate of up to 12,000 a day  ..hence, the EARTH quaked  ..the EARTH ground /land surface … vibrated
      6. War in Bosnia – Office of the Historian…/bosnia



        Office of the Historian



        Oct 31, 2013 – Bosnia’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1992 raised the violence to a new level, triggering a war that lasted over three years  …

      7. Bosnian Genocide – Facts & Summary –






        Find out more about the history of Bosnian Genocide, including videos, interesting …during the war in Croatia that followed, the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army  …

      8. Genocide in the 20th Century: Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-95




        Bosnia is one of several small countries that emerged from the break-up ofYugoslavia, a multicultural country created after World War I by the victorious Western

      9. A  vibration sent through the earth
        A  vibration sent through the earth
        A  vibration sent through the earth

        A  vibration sent through the earth
        A  vibration sent through the earth  …..

      Bosnian  Genocide

      ……returns an “echo signature”  ….. to Boston and their tricks







      Find out more about the history of  Boston’s ROLE in Bosnian Genocide,
      including videos, interesting
      during the war in Croatia that followed, the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army

      Thus we see Nature’s feedback  message……  the echo signature.





      The EARTH Nikola Tesla vibrations WAR TRIAL in Boston of physics, electrical engineering  agent –> Tsarnaev





      WE have important information omitted from the Boston trial of Nikola Tesla messenger  code 
      –> Tsa –>  TSA RNA EV –> Tesla messenger RNA  electron volts  .. authorized agent for Nature’s complex  ENERGY message  … 








      The Bohr atom and the Uncertainty Principle…/lect23.pdf





      The minimum energy (binding energy) we need to provide to ionize an H atom in its ground state (n=1) is 13.6 eV (it is lower if the atom is in some excited state.



      Now, let’s   use atomic English language   to  look at  key proper noun




      Letter —–> Tesla

      Address—> 1..3..5 –> location 1, 3,5   give TSA of –>Tsa RNA EV




      Thus orbitals  1,3,5  selected …..  from atomic Name –> T e s l  a  –> Tsa   ..hence, agent for orbital 1,3,5,



















      a jury convicted  NATURE   and Nikola Tesla EARTH  agent  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev













       Now, let's look at another  NIkola Tesla   AC electric motor  ..... conflict expression


      How to Measure the Wattage  Used by an Electric Motor  in the Watts region of Los(t) Angeles  ... › ... › Other Types of Mortgages




      Electric circuits can handle only a limited amount of watts, so it is vitally important to know the wattage of devices such as electric motors before plugging one into a wall socket or installing one ... ... Set the selector for AC voltage. In the U.S., the ...












      the fundamentals of ac electric induction motor ... - turbolab

      by EJ Thornton - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles


      principles of AC electric induction motor design and application. Specific emphasis will be ..... of electrical power,


      watts output to watts input, and can be restated.



      Watts riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      University System of Georgia




      Nov 20, 2013 - The Watts Riot, which raged for six days and resulted in more than forty million dollars worth of property damage, was both the largest and ...


      from August 11 to 17, 1965.

      from August 11 to 17, 1965.

      from A...........................65--> information pointer to Amperage and copper isotope 65





      Watts electrical engineering  riots | Define Watts riots at

      Watts riots definition. A group of violent disturbances in Watts, a largely black section of Los Angeles, in 1965. Over thirty people died in the Watts riots, which were the first of several serious clashes between black people and police in the late 1960s


      Next to Los Angeles SOUTH region of Watts and Torrence is Orange County.






      Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.





       Thus in this Nikola  Tesla EARTH geography region of Los Angees County and Orange County ..we have  the SYMBOL MACHINE   keyword and number signals ........


      Watts -->  electricity and the energy watts used by light bulbs and electric motors


      Year 1965 -->  65 copper atomic mass 65 

      Year 1965 --> number 19 --> atomic umber of postassium with symbol K


      19 --> potassium atom K--> pointer to President K (Kenendy ..assassinated in year 1963  ...
      code number 63 = copper atomic mass 63









      Thus, we have the keywords /concepts from the Los Angeles message proessing region. ...


      Watts --> electricity and electric AC motors


      AC --> we have the AC awards in Hollywood .....  known as the  ACADEMY AWARDS for  human demonsatrions of brain alternating cycles 


      year 1965 riots --> number 65 is a copper  atomic isotope


      EM --> we  have the eletromagnetic awards from Hollywood  .....  known as the EMMY awards


      Orange Country  ..... and is a symbol  for several things ... one being copper metal  and its reddish-orange color























      Let’s look at another example ...the Boy Scouts den casualty  - Sam Hengel.


      Wardencylffe  Towers --> subset codes --> War + den   --> therefore BOY SCOUT DEN casualty  in the EARTH wars of
      Wisconsin .............
      ...............sin --> Sin wave region in the Tesla alternating cycle wars

      Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in ... › US

      • ABC News

        Nov 30, 2010 - A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself ... Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, ...
      • Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular › News › Wisconsin

      • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

        Nov 30, 2010 - What motivated 15-year-old Samuel Hengel to hold his classmates ... well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty of friends, loving family. ... Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay hospital without revealing a motive.
      • Sam Hengel, Teen Hostage-Taker In Wisconsin, Stumps ...

      The Huffington Post

      Mar 5, 2011 - Sam Hengel was no stranger to firearms. ... with Hengel's family, friends, teachers, Marinette High School classmates and even his Boy Scout leaders. ... Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage .



      The K-channel neuron WAR at Cole Hall and Virginia Tech

      by Herb Zinser

      RD-blog-number-4493 reviews the neuroscience WAR messages that are printed in newspapers and magazines OR broadcast on television news.

      These  message exist to warn you and your brain about the K-channel wars inside your brain
      bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR..  


      §7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

      ... in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.



      What Is a Neuron? Building Blocks of the Nervous System › ... › Psychology Glossary: N Index

      Answer: A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in a number of ways, ...

      Above, we have the
      INTERNAL view of the neuron and its thoughts ..... an
      EXTERNAL neuron expression of axon terminal anger took place at the  EARTH GEOGRAPHY display terminal in Los Angeles  ..... with the shooting at LAX airport terminal.xpression


      Search Results

      1. 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia ...


      Location, Terminal 3, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), ... According to an autopsy report, Hernandez was shot 12 times,



      LAX suspect shot TSA officer, walked away, then returned to ...


      Nov 2, 2013 - Fatal shooting at Los Angeles airport – Transportation Security ... opened fire at LAX Terminal 3, killing Hernandez before being chased down.

      Now, let's look at some examples of the K-channel wars.


      • K Channels

      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

      K+ channels are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to Na+. The selectivity filter that determines which cation (e.g., Na+ or K+) can pass through a channel is ...


      Potassium channel structures : Abstract : Nature Reviews ... › Journal home › Archive › Review


      by S Choe - ‎2002 - ‎Cited by 142 - ‎Related articles

      Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, 115-121 (February 2002) | doi :10.1038/nrn727 ... The molecular basis of K+ channel function is universally conserved.

      An K-channel battle took place at Cole Hall oceanography class..

      The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

      The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time



      Potassium channel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia







      • K Channels

      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

      Jump to Selectivity - Selectivity: K+ channels are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to Na+. The selectivity filter that determines which cation (e.g., Na+ or ...

       are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to Na+

       are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to Na+



       are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to North america

       are highly selective for K+ --> Steven K. --> Nature's selected .... the K-channel  communications channel 

      Above, diagram.
      Using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis  tools   ..we see the above biochemistry diagram .....  only  words ......... only words?     ......
      we see the molecule systems words and their mapping to actualization ..... we see the words mapping into physical biology REALITY  ...  into a tragic signaling event.

      Keywords ....

      Potassium channel --> Potassium equals chemistry symbol K -->  the selection of  Nature's message carrier agent --> Steven K.

      Aqueous channel --> aqueous implies water --> implies ocean --> implies the Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE selection of the Cole Hall ocean class SITE ..for message delivery   ... .thereby creating an EVENT database with clues ( K of Kazmierczak and  ocean/ aqueous)    ..thus the process control system and its neuroscience feedback ERROR signal from Cole Hall
      -->. K aqua.


      The next neuron communication LINK  .....relates  2 events with common information string theory threads    .. provided by existential physics string theory.

      Cole Hall Oceangraphy --> intials --> CHO  --> LINK to Mr.CHO at Virginia TECH

      Ocean class --> implies water --> LINK to the water/hydrology classroom in Norris Hall shooting.

      Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



      The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart


      Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      • Wikipedia

        See also: Timeline of the Virginia Tech shooting § Event ... attack after entering Norris occurred in an advanced hydrology / water systems engineering class taught by Professor ...
      • G. V. Loganathan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      He received several Virginia Tech honors, including the Outstanding Faculty Award, the ... killed by Seung-Hui Cho in the Virginia Tech shootings on April 16, 2007. Loganathan taught an Advanced Hydrology / water systems class in Norris Hall's Room 206.




      Seung-Hui Cho |

      Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers ... Cho was an undergraduate at Virginia Tech, majoring in English, although he had ...



      Isaac Asimov and his Hari Seldon Foundation math CONCEPT equations ....

      CHO = Cole Hall Ocean   ..... the Tale of 2 Cities ..... the Tale of 2  code CHO  Shootings

      Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart --> thus the number 2 of the Virginia  TECH database  ..suggests that this is one of 2 related events  ...and analysis of news reprots shows that it is is related to Cole Hall Ocean ,



      Above, molecule code --> H2O lines surface --> H2O = water classroom in Norris Hall.

      Thus we have the molecule equation words  ......

      H2O lines --> expanded description becomes--> H2O water class and the lines of English written by Mr.CHO

      In addition, Mr.CHO and his alphabet codes

      letter --> . A B C  D E F  G H I  J K  
      location-->1      3                   8      11

      Thus the CHO subset equation CH --> 3 + 8 --> 11 --> K

      Thus, in year 2015, you have few  pieces to Nature's puzzling message.


      The Maurice Wilkens DNA trace of the Mau Mau and Zombie subroutine shootings

      by Herb Zinser

      RD-blog-number-4409 by Herb Zinser uses  the DNA living language to understand some modern tragic signaling EVENTS.

      Nature's special encryption language is a  symbol subset embedded within the larger English language used in news articles.  Thus,  Nature's authorized individuals are allowed access to this special DNA language that  provides information  clues about EVENTS. The clues are found in the EVENT database   ...a description of the EVENT created by police investigators and newspaper reporters  about the surface veneer components of the tragedy (date, time, place, people involved, etc).


      Given this very good database, additional analysis tools may provide some clues about the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie  the signal.

      Encryption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Encryption is the conversion of data into a form, called a ciphertext, that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is the process of ...

      The Social Contract Theorists: Critical Essays on Hobbes, ...

      Christopher W. Morris - 2000 - ‎Philosophy

      Critical Essays on Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau Christopher W. Morris ... newly mature individual finds himself.25 But if my claims about Locke's state of nature ...

       Locke's state of nature ...

       Lock + ke + s ..... state of nature ...

       Lock  Key system --> access to -->  state of nature ...

      Let's look at the Maurice Wilkens TRACE.

      James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and ...

      • Chemical Heritage Foundation

        In 1962 James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins jointly received the Nobel ... The molecule that is the basis for heredity, DNA, contains the patterns for ...

        Missing: crikkett ‎watts

      • Maurice Wilkins :: DNA from the Beginning

      DNA from the Beginning

      James Watson and Francis Crick solved the structure of DNA. Other scientists, like Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, also contributed to this discovery.



      Maurice Wilkins :: DNA from the Beginning

      Maurice Wilkins :: DNA from the Beginning

      Maurice Wilkins :: DNA from the Beginning

      Mau Mau     kins/ relatives  :: DNA from the Beginning


      Biographies: Louis Leakey - The Talk.Origins Archive

      TalkOrigins Archive

      Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey was born on August 7, 1903 at Kabete Mission, nine miles from Nairobi, Kenya. His parents, Harry and Mary Leakey, were English 


       Mission, nine miles from Nairobi, Kenya. 

       Mission, nine miles from Nairobi, Kenya. 

       Mission, nine miles from Nairobi, Kenya. 

       Mission, nine  --> nine --> 9th month is September in Nairobi, Kenya. 

      Westgate shopping mall attack - Wikipedia, the free ...


      On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, ...

      Westgate mall attacks | World news | The Guardian

      The Guardian

      The latest news and comment on the Westgate mall attacks in Nairobi. ... in Nairobi. September 2014 ... Al-Shabaab gunmen attack Nairobi's Westgate Mall ...


      My principal Masai tracker shook his head and drew his finger..............It was 1955 and the 'Kenyan Emergency', which began in 1952 and lasted until the end of the decade, was at its height. The Mau Mau were rebels against British rule. Most of t…

      My principal Masai tracker shook his head and drew his finger..............

      It was 1955 and the 'Kenyan Emergency', which began in 1952 and lasted until the end of the decade, was at its height. The Mau Mau were rebels against British rule. Most of them were drawn from the Kikuyu, Kenya's biggest tribe,................

      I lowered my gun level with his head and slowly began to squeeze the trigger...

      It was 1955 and the 'Kenyan Emergency', which began in 1952 and lasted until the end of the decade, was at its height. The Mau Mau were rebels against British rule. Most of them were drawn from the Kikuyu, Kenya's biggest tribe, and they practised primitive sacrifice and murder. other words EARTH systems languages and DNA living languages   ..using super-symmetry MIRRORS and parallel processing of data steams of REALITY   .......

      He was a Mau Mau look-out --> Maurice Wilkins

      I lowered my gun level with his 

      I lowered my gun level with his 

      Maurice  Wilkins ...  my (myoglobin arm proteins) lowered the electron gun of X-rays .....level with his 

      Maurice Wilkins - NNDB


      X-ray diffraction pictures done by Wilkins 

      Above, secret language codes of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .....  atomic social sciences and its people   expressions  ..........   such as Maurice Wilkins.


      New Z --> news Z = atomic number and Z = math integer life

      Cambridge -->  Cam + Bridge --> computer aided man  (communications) bridge 

      PHD --> bio-computer positions in English alphabet......  16 = p ...... 8 = h .........   4 =d  


      Year 1970 --> IBM system 370 code levels  ..

      1. James Watson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        James Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928) is an American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA ...

      born April 6

      born April 6

      orn........l 6  --> convert graphic shapes to   number  16  and LINK to Base 16 hexadecimal LIFE FORM at IBM in the parallel space/time period of years 1952 thru 1960 

      Nature's living language   ..............  .DOUBLE-HELIX   ...... WATSON

      Thomas Watson, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Jr.



      Jump to IBM President - Tom Watson, Jr. became president of IBM in 1952.

      Let's look at another example of Maurice ilkins   and Louis Leakey --> LEAK  ..blood flow information leak VIA mau Mau blood DEMO technology


      Maurice  Wilkens
      .........rice Wi = state code for the geography state of Wisconsin 

      The Leakey -->  the human container  packaged in  a dermatology skin packaging  .. ....  contains  blood.      The human container pierced by a gun bullet will LEAK  ....... the INTERNAL secret blood system  ...... flows  into the EXTERNAL  visible dimension exposing it's secret social science COMMAND system of LIFE. 

      The   blood information data stream LEAK reveals  its secrets to Nature's EARTH LAB systems and the SYMBOL MACHINE.


      Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

      Using Galileo's suggestions  of  " 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS"   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the  2  CHIEF existential entities

      1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
      2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

      Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

      Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
      Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

      There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

      Maurice  Wilkens
      .........rice Wi = state code for the geography state of Wisconsin 
      .........rice lake ...and the Mau Mau blood flow  ..  DNA social engineering  signal for DNA researchers in University of  Wisconsin



      Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting ...


      Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.


      Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a naturalized U.S. citizen and a Hmong immigrant from Laos. While on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin, Vang shot eight people, who were also hunting in the area, on November 21, 2004. Six were killed and two were left wounded.

      According to court proceedings prior to his conviction, Vang ( Vector  angstroms) acknowledged shooting the people, but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute over a deer stand to become violent and escalate into multiple deaths. Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is currently being held at Iowa State Penitentiary


      but challenged the chain of events 

      but challenged the chain of events 

      but challenged the chain of events   --> 

      §7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

      ... in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

      Herbert Spencer - Page 99 - Google Books Result

      John Arthur Thomson - 1906

      ... both simultaneous and successive, in correspondence with external ... and there are external relations, " external co-existences and sequences," and life is ... form, Spencer's conception of Life is : — " The continuous adjustment of internal ...



      The next Maurice Wilkins message is an   alliance between  ......
      Mau Mau  CODE and Zombie code --> giving EARTH LANGUAGE geography identifier site -->

      Timeline of the Mau Mau Rebellion - 1951-1954 › ... › History By Region: East Africa › Kenya

      The Mau Mau were a militant African nationalist movement active in Kenya during the 1950s whose main aim was to remove British rule and European settlers ...

       active in Kenya

       acti   .... ve in K    enya

       acti   vein  inK --> the newspaper usage of Mau Mau language  technology  embedded news articles and advertising  and picture graphic tricks


      In Haitian folklore, a zombie (Haitian French: zombi, Haitian Creole: zonbi) is an animated corpse raised by magical means, such as witchcraft.[1]

      The concept has been popularly associated with the Vodou religion, but it plays no part in that faith's formal practices.


      Zombies featured widely in Haitian rural folklore, as dead persons physically revived by the act of necromancy of a bokor sorcerer (the bokor is a witch-like figure to be distinguished from the houngan priests and mambo priestesses of the formal Vodou religion). Zombies remain under the control of the bokor as their personal slaves, since they have no will of their own.

      There also exists within the Haitian tradition, an incorporeal type of zombie, the "zombie astral", which is a part of the human soul that is captured by a bokor and used to enhance the bokor's spiritual power. Bokors produce and sell specially-decorated bottles to clients with a zombie astral inside, for the purposes of luck, healing or business success. It is believed that after a time God will take the soul back and so the zombie is a temporary spiritual entity.[3]

      It has been suggested that the two types of zombie reflect soul dualism, a belief of Haitian Vodou. Each type of legendary zombie is therefore missing one half of its soul (the flesh or the spirit).[4]

      CXode word --> Mau Mau + Zombie --> subset code symbols
      --> Mau + zom  + ie  -->  Ma   algebra union operatioon with   zom   ie  --> Mazom + ie  --> insert  the Maurice Wilkens NEW Zealand   --> New Z atomic number = an  into the equation  ...therefore  --> Mazom + an + ie  --> Mazomanie  .............. and csnsequently the REALITY perception  problems of the Future Farmers of America and their Base 16 HEX/curse of data processing code that resulted in the  University of Wisconsin CAD signaling EVENT
       .... CAD = Computer Aided Design of  
      human CAD --> CADaver .........    Matt Anderson.

      The next ZOMBIE signal  that we see in the news ...........
      ....................OM --> Omaha , Nebraska  blood flow DEMO 

      Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in ...

      The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins killed nine people (including himself) and wounded four, two of them critically.

      Thus we have the Westroad and the Westgate BLOOD LEAK.


      The Westgate shopping mall blood flow ........ message for  BLOOD DNA military officers...
      ...................gate .......
      ...........West ---> implies the Western sate of Texas with cowboys and t gun movies ........

      and    gate.. Nature's systems  ..... logic gate message for Mr.Gates......

      The Pentagon denies   existence of such things  as EARTH, Nature,  biochemsitry blood and amino acids.


      Therefore the TEXAS A&M ( Amino Acid)   trial  of NH molecule  ..agent Nidal Hasan.

      2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.
      Nidal  Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people ..

      picture - amino 11.PNG

      The Isaac Asimov psychohistory .. .. .math and/or  molecule expression equations
      --> NH   SH --> transformed into physical action in REALITY --> Nidal Hasan SHooting.

      Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting ...

      The Washington Post

      Aug 28, 2013 - Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing 13 people and wounding 32 others in a 2009 shooting rampage at Fort ...



      Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting 


      Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting

      N H  --> amino acid LIFE FORMS at Texas A&M university sentenced to death per instructions to NATURE   from the Pentagon supreme thinkers of all knowledge about  existence on EARTH.



      Robert M. Gates - United States Department of Defense ...

      United States Department of Defense

      Before becoming the , Dr. Gates was the President of Texas A&M University, the nation's seventh largest university. Prior to assuming the Texas A&M presidency



      Thus we see Nature's logic gates and the DEATH feedback signal authorized by citizens, DARPA and Pentagon  arrogance systems.


      The State assembly language .....STORE instruction and its JOB execution results in shooting

      by Herb Zinser

      RD-blog-number-4365 by Herb Zinser reviews the citizen approved  government  computer science experiments with the human brain. 

      Various experiments have failed.


      Let's look at the modern state assembly government system .. ... the state legislatures that  write assembly BEHAVIOR and THOUGHT programs for the human brain bio-computer.

      Above, is an example of a copper-wire assembly language program    ... the social science version would be approximately equivalent ...and conveyed via music, verbal  talk , body languages, fashion clothes, etc.   The huma bio-computer  network has existed for thousands of years.


      The modern copper-wire electricity MAIN FRAME computer provides a super-sysmmetry partial  MIRROR  to ourselves.



      In addition, we have high school assembly ........

      School assembly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Assembly at Nan Hua High School, Singapore. A school assembly is a gathering of all or part of a school in order to communicate information and share ... 

      Why these ads?

      1. Celebrity Teen Speaker -‎‎

      1. "The Perfect School Assembly" Live Music. Impactful Speaking.

      Search Results

      1. Images for high school assemblyReport images





        More images for high school assembly
      • Wikipedia

        Assembly at Nan Hua High School, Singapore. A school assembly is a gathering of all or part of a school in order to communicate information and share ...
      • Southridge High School Assembly 2012 - YouTube

        ▶ 5:44▶ 5:44

      • Feb 23, 2012 - Uploaded by Enayatullah Naseri

        Southridge High School Assembly 2012. <a href="/channel/UCWyCNiwwrh-0siWLGusNtkQ" class=" yt ...
      • High School Assembly Speaker Dynamic Influence

      • Need an engaging High School Assembly Speaker on bullying prevention, or drug, tobacco, & alcohol awareness, or Social Media Dangers & Cyber safety?



      Daily News

      Mar 13, 2012 - Students and teachers at an Iowa high school say they were


      Controversial assembly at Iowa high school stirs outrage ...

      Controversial assembly at I/o high school stirs out........rage ...

      Controversial assembly at Input/output  Base 16 high-values = 255  school stirs output     rage ...


      Let's look at the computer science shooting in  OMAHA, Nebraska.

      Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on Wednesday, .... Wikinews has related news: 9 killed in Omaha, Nebraska mall shooting 


      Westroads Mall shooting

      The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins killed nine people (including himself) and wounded four, two of them critically


      shooting was a mass shooting

      shooting was a mass shooting

      shooting was atomic mass shooting


      Thus we have COMPUTER EARTH, the EARTH atmosphere,   and the oxygen molecule Base 16  continuum.  

      Living humans breathe oxygen molecule --> code --> OM --> OMaha oxygen region.

      Oxygen molecule has 16 electrons, 16 protons, 16 neutrons and a molecule mass of 32.

      One molecule is the sum of 2 atoms.

      Thus..the oxygen molecule WAR in OM = Omaha, Nebraska.

      Specifically, the EARTH atmosphere  ..oxygen molecule in Ne = Nebraska ... that is the war code.......... OMaha, Nebraska --> OM neutrons  --> 16 Oxygen molecule neutrons processing WAR at the West Road mall.




      Thus we see the COMPUTER EARTH base 16 battle in OXYGEN MOLECULE  geography region of OMaha     ....  in particular, the Ne = Neutron battle for control of Ne = Nebraska
      human bio-computers.

      The human bio-computer features

      Robert A. Hawkins (May 17, 1988 – December 5, 2007) was the 19-year-old perpetrator of the Westroads Mall shooting.[26] He was born at the RAF Lakenheath station in Suffolk, England, U.K., to American parents Ronald Hawkins and Maribel "Molly" Rodriguez.[27]


      He was born at the RAF Lakenheath station

      He .............................  RAF  Lake

      Hexadecimal LIFE form born in RAF --> Region  A thru F


      --> Lake --> La + ke --.  Load Address instruction key

      --> Region Hex'A' = 10  thru Hex'F' = 15

      --> number 10 (decimal implies dec implies december and  15 implies 5th day) ..thus the oxygen creation of the Base 16 correlation signal .. the shooting EVENT and its hexadecimal JOB execution schedule for --> ..December 5.


      picture  - hex 2.PNG


      What are the data processing features of the situation?

      1st ..the main feature ..... we have a shopping mall with multiple  retail stores.

      Hence, Natures' system selection of the STORE MULTIPLE instruction below.

      Below  a shopping mall ...with floors and various store locations ..looks like an address space.

      The shooting

      At approximately 1:43 p.m. CST (19:43 UTC), Robert Hawkins stepped out of the elevator on the third floor and opened fire.

      Robert Hawkins ......  third floor ... address space



      Below, the Robert Hawkins   ...third floor address space ..... and he carries bio-computer   ..executable instructions  ...... he carries JOB program instructions ...... and them those JOB program instructions are activated  (JOB execution).

      store  address space execute.PNG

      Above, the RX instruction now acquires ..after the shooting ...a new Rx expression format.

      Rx definition - MedicineNet - Health and Medical Information ...


      Rx: A medical prescription. The symbol "Rx" is usually said to stand for the Latin word "recipe" meaning "to take." It is customarily part of the superscription (heading) of a prescription.



      Rx - definition of Rx by Medical dictionary

      What is Rx? Meaning of Rx medical term. What does Rx mean? ... Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 ...




      360 Assembly/360 Instructions - Wikibooks, open books for ...


      Otherwise the instruction is only available on the System/370 and z/System ... RXE, consisting of an expanded RX format instruction with an additional op code ...


      expanded RX format instruction with an additional op code 

      expanded RX format instruction with an additional op code 

      expanded RX format instruction with an additional op code 




      Thus we see the evolution of COMPUTER EARTH  systems as they enter new formats of expression   ...and  message processing ERROR signals that need to be understood.

      Jeffrey Fowle's visit to the SAILOR's nightclub helps solve 3 murder events created by the secret SAILOR's society.

      by Herb Zinser

      RD-blog-number-4115 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database provided by amateur criminal detective Jeffrey Fowle.   He generated valuable data useful in understanding the software architecture  of the crime creation system  .... that creates about 15 to 20 percent of all crimes.  Perhaps, more.


      Let's look at his experiences.


      Bible left in North Korean sailor's club triggered U.S. tourist's ...


      Aug 1, 2014 - SEOUL, Aug 2(Reuters) - American tourist Jeffrey Fowle ... in Chongjin, a large industrial city on North Korea's east coast, Fowle's action led to ...



      Jeffrey Fowle | Tumblr


      BREAKING NEWS: Jeffrey Fowle, 1 of 3 Americans held in North Korea, has been ... Fowle left an English-Korean bible at a foreign sailors' club in Chongjin and ...



      Who Is Jeffrey Fowle? American Tourist Released By North ...

      International Business Times

      Oct 21, 2014 - Jeffrey Fowle was released by North Korean authorities just prior to ... the Seamen's Club in Chongjin, according to a source close to the case.

      US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for ... › world

      The Christian Post

      Aug 3, 2014 - North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three months ... Fowle, a 56-year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio, who used to attend church ... lying under a bin meant for discarding used toilet paper by aged people.


      North Korea releases American tourist Jeffrey Fowle as US ...

      Australian Broadcasting Corporation

      Oct 21, 2014 - Photo: US tourist Jeffrey Fowle has been released by North Korea and ... a Bible in the bathroom of a nightclub in the northern port of Chongjin.


      Thus we look at his experiences ... as information data sets that are part of Nature's vast systems  ..... and we consider his data sets as part of a feedback signal from Nature's systems about other past events.



      The keyword of his year 2014 experiences are .......

      sailors club --> sailors or merchant marine

      sailor's --> Implies ocean 

       nightclub in the northern port of Chongjin. --> words --> northern


      Thus ... i think   ..... I remember those words .. that descriptive words  that news reporters used to write about a murder event.


      The 1st key EVENT from the past  .....


      A mass murderer leaves eight women dead - History Channel


      On the night of July 14, 1966, eight student nurses are brutally murdered by Richard Speck at their group residence in Chicago, Illinois. Speck threatened the ...

      Richard Speck - Biography - Murderer -


      Mass murderer Richard Speck was known as the man who committed the heinous crime of torturing, raping and killing several student nurses in Chicago.

      Gene Thornton, who had served in the U.S. Navy, thought that the U.S. Merchant Marine might provide a suitable occupation for his unemployed brother-in-law, so on April 25 he took Speck to the U.S. Coast Guard office to apply for a letter of authority to work as an apprentice seaman. The application required being fingerprinted and photographed, and having a physical examination by a physician.[2]

      Speck found work immediately after obtaining the letter of authority, joining the 33-member crew of Inland Steel's Clarence B. Randall, an L6-S-B1 class bulk ore lake freighter, on April 30. Speck's first voyage on the Clarence B. Randall was brief, since he was stricken with appendicitis on May 3 and was evacuated by U.S. Coast Guard helicopter to St. Joseph's Hospital in Hancock, Michigan on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan's Upper Peninsula where he had an emergency appendectomy.[2]


      On Friday, July 8, 1966, his brother-in-law Gene drove Speck to the NMU hiring hall to pick up his seaman's card and register for a berth on a ship. Speck lost out that day to a seaman with more seniority for a berth on the SS Flying Spray, a C1-A cargo ship bound for South Vietnam, and returned to his sister Martha's apartment for the weekend.[2]


      On Tuesday, July 12, Speck returned to the NMU hiring hall and in mid-afternoon received an assignment on Sinclair Oil's tanker SS Sinclair Great Lakes, a thirty-minute drive away in East Chicago, Indiana, but when he arrived there he found his spot had already been taken, and was driven back to the by then closed NMU hiring hall

      The murders

      At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of Chicago. It was functioning as a dormitory for several young student nurses.

      Now.....we see that the year 2014 keywords from Jeffrey Edward  Fowle   ....  North Korea experience can referback  to the year 1966 event.

      Chongjin --> subset code CHO --> CH .......O --> spells CHicagO

      Sailors club -->  Merchant marine ..union hall with Richard Speck 

      2319 East --> go to the Far East 19 ....double 19 = 38th parallel


      2319 East 100 street -->
      ..................B100D   street messages 
      23 chromsome pairs  .... 19 ...... pairs 19 = 19 + 19 --> 38 for the living EARTH cell and its EARTH LANGUAGE interface with humans.  Atomic LINK ..atomic number 19 = K  =   potassium  ..represented by  symbol K assigned to Korea .....

      Therefore a relationship  code
      -->   2319 EAST B100D Street in CHO (Chicago)   has a mapping to EARTH region
      -->   2338 Asia  B100D CHONGjin  sailors nightclub

      Additional SYMBOL MACHINE language/word relationships ......

       located at 2319 East 100th Street in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood of 

      subset words ..........

       located at   .... East  .......................     Jeffery Man or neighborhood  of Ch

      in other words

       located at  Far East (asia ..Korea) Jeffrey  Man ordered  neighborhood of Ch = Chongjin

       .Thus we see Nature's system influence   upon humans   .for Nature' s system project missions..





      The 2nd sailor /ocean EVENT comes from DeKalb, Illinois  ... west of Chicago  ... in the greater Chicago region.


      Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...


      The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus ...



      Slain NIU student who saved girlfriend wasn't enrolled in ...

      Chicago Tribune

      Mar 28, 2008 - Love, not an academic requirement, put Daniel Parmenter in Cole Hall ... in the ocean science class where five students were shot and killed, ...

      Thus we have the Jeffery Fowle words 

      sailors nightclub --> implies ocean --> ocean classroom

      Northern port city of Chongjin --> Northern cho  --> Northern Illinois and Chicago region

      Jefferey Fowle age 56 --> Pointer to iron-56 atom 

      City of Iron (Chongjin) --> ferrous oxide IRON atom symbol Fe --> February shooting at Cole Hall



      The 3rd event is from Virginia  TECH university

      Thus we  have ...... 


      Jeffrey --> Thomas Jefferson --> state of Virginia problems in message processing

      city of Chongjin--> abbreviation CHO --> Mr. Cho at Norris Hall engineering building

      Sailors club --> Implies water and advanced water  --> hydrology classroom shooting


      Thus we have 3 past events that are summarized in the
      year 2014 database of Jeffrey Edward Fowle.






      What mechanism of EARTH and human systems  might be involved ?


      WE propose ..... ee have another life form   ..



      Flying Dutchman - Wikipedia, the free


      The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that can never make port and is doomed to sail the oceans forever. The myth is likely to have originated from ...

      Fata Morgana - ‎Omen - ‎The Flying Dutchman (opera) - ‎Disambiguation


      It   is believed that this represents one or both ...of 2 possibilities. 


      1) Ghost  ship -->   G host  --> Gravity host --> Gravity field of EARTH is the HOST processing platform of existential structures on the EARTH geography surface   ..... and that includes humans that are subsets embedded within  the gravity field.


      2) Ghost --> G host --> Grammar host  ..language ship that travels the optical data streams of consciousness    ...and lives/exists in the  photon symbol city of light   ...a city embedded within
      the velocity of light  = 186,000.


      Velocity   .....   .... comprised of nouns, verbs, equations, concepts, etc


      Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE selection of a key proper noun .... tells l us ....

      Jeffrey edward Fowle ......... subset code 
      .........ey e  ..war  --> tells us of the optical war in the city of  light ... as the photon information data stream flows  at c = 186,000  --> 186000 --> number 18 and number 6 --> imply water molecule mass 18 and carbon atomic number 6   ..... important molecule components that process input electromagnetic  .. optical information waves.

      Michael Brown violations of the CURL equation

      by Herb Zinser

      Rd-blog-number-3946 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH WAR battlefield  that was in Ferguson, Missouri.  

      First, let's review the background situation repeating another blog post.

      Then at the end  ...we shall address the CURL equation and the CURFEW violations of SYMBOL MACHINE language   and behavior laws that involved Michael Brown at the level of the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious WAR ZONE.

      Michael Brown and the copper wire electrical grid code 292

      RD-blog-number-3944 by Herb Zinser covers  the periodic atomic table of elements  WAR ZONE in  Ferguson, Missouri. The key Margaret Mead atomic nuclear  family expression elements are the copper and ferrous oxide IRON atom ...... and their messages.

      Let look at Nature's message processing region of Ferguson, Missouri.    

      The  social science WAR EVENT ......

      Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free

      The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson  ...

      After the Science WarsScience and the Study of
      Keith Ashman, ‎Phillip Barringer - 2005 - ‎Philosophy
      Science and the Study of Science Keith Ashman, Phillip Barringer ... in publications ranging from Physics Today andScientific American to the New York Times.

      In year 2014 ...... the SCIENCE WARS reached Ferguson Missouri and the  city of St.Louis.

      Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE language and identify keywords and concepts that  explain the deeper levels of NATURE's REALITY that  underlies the EVENT.

      Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

      Using Galileo's suggestions  of  " 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS"   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the  2  CHIEF existential entities

      1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
      2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

      Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

      Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
      Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
      There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

      Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE language and identify keywords and concepts that  explain the deeper levels of NATURE's REALITY that  underlies the EVENT.  The EVENT occurred on the EARTH geography surface  that is comprised of various mathematical-physics fields  ......  a EARTHLY space/time fabric that contains many elements  ..... copper city of electricity ... the Ferrous oxide IRON atoms in the city  of Fer = Ferguson with  policeman Darren Wilson  representing the LINK to  Fer = FermiLAB  and the physics existential administration site at Wilson Hall in Batavia, Illinois.

      Keywords and numbers  -->

      Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free

      The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, ... At the time of his death, he was 6' 4" (1.93 m) tall and weighed 292 lb (132 kg).

      ---> Name 
      Micheal Brown ...... language subset letter identifier code
      atoMIC  Brown --> atoms and Brownian Motion 

      Brownian Motion Institute of Physics

      Brownian Motion. This simple demonstration of Einstein's explanation for Brownian motion shows little particles batting about a more massive one, and what 

      --> Number 292 --> 29 + 2 -->  atomic number 29 of copper ...and 2 copper wires of electricity 

      copper symbol  good.PNG

      Above,  we have  29 2-copper wires of a metal that is has word description ..... a Micheal Brown/ coppertone color 

      Electrical wiring - Wikipedia, the free

      Jump to Colour code - The cable consists of 3 wires (2 wires + 1 grounding in case if cable has ... To enable wires to be easily and safely identified, all common wiring safety codes mandate a colour scheme for the ... 

      Apparently ..Micheal Brown was not grounded ...  not down to EARTH ... so to speak ...hence, Nature's message to the BLACK community.

      The Nikoli Tesla  EARTH resonance wave field  .... suggests word --> 
      BLACK --> BL + AC + ACK  --> Base Locator Alternating Cycle ACKNOWLEDGEMENT requested  .... no answer has been given by the black community and their atomic, bio-physics electron structure.

      Reddish /brown copper wire  is insulted.. .it is enclosed within a black rubber covering  ....with both the copper and  rubber possibly coming from Africa --> hence, the word BLACK is an EARTH LANGUAGE code word that down to EARTH people out recognize.

      Natural rubber - Wikipedia, the free

      Latex being collected from a tapped rubber tree, Cameroon ... In the early 1900s, the Congo Free State in Africawas also a significant source of natural rubber ...‎Varieties - ‎Discovery of commercial potential - ‎Properties- ‎Chemical makeup

      Hence, the above picture of the RIGID black tree trunk  and the  lighter colored liquid whose electron FLOW .....  is a super-symmetry  CONCEPT MIRROR  to .........

      Other Nikoli Tesla clues about EARTH  electron message  systems ......  the copper atomic number 29 2900 block --> that is 2900 data block in the COMPUTER EARTH processing region of Ferguson 

      • Teenager shot, killed in Ferguson apartment complex

        Aug 9, 2014 - ... the Canfield Green apartment complex in the 2900 block of Canfield. ... the person shot was an 18-year-old teenager named Michael Brown ...
      • FERGUSON DAY ONE WRAPUP: Officer kills Ferguson › News › Local › Law & OrderSt. Louis Post‑Dispatch

        Aug 10, 2014 - Hundreds of demonstrators blocked traffic. ... Michael Brown, 18, was shot at approximately 2:15 p.m. in the 2900 block of Canfield Drive.

        field drive --> implies --> data field + subroutine driver problems .....

      • tape SCSI Device Driver -

        The openx subroutine allows the device driver to enter Diagnostic mode and ... Refer to the SmallComputer System Interface (SCSI) Specification for the ...
      • MINPACK-1, Subroutine Library for Nonlinear Equation Nuclear Energy Agency

        Apr 25, 1984 - NESC0888/02, Many Computers, Many Computers ... The testing aids include drivers, parameter initialization subroutines, function evaluation ...

      • Hence, we see the incomplete explanation given in newspapers about the EARTH metals WAR and the city of electricity WAR in St.Louis.

        Copper Electrical Grade -‎‎(866) 716-9773
        1. Seamless Electrically-Conductive Copper Bus Bar & Tubing. Ship Fast!

        Search Results

        1. Electrical conductor - Wikipedia, the free

          For example,
           a wire is an electrical conductor that 
          can carry electricity along its length
          In metals such as copper or aluminum, the movable charged particles are ...‎Wire size - ‎Conductance- ‎Conductor materials - ‎Conductor ampacity
        2. Copper - Wikipedia, the free

          Jump to Electric motors - Main article: Copper in energy efficient motors. Copper's greater conductivity versus other metals enhances the electrical energy ...Liquid density: at m.p.: 8.02 g·cm−3
          Atomic number: 29
          Oxidation states: +1, +2, +3, +4 (a mildly ...
          Melting point: 1357.77 K (1084.62 °C,

        For example,
         a wire is an electrical conductor that 
        can carry electricity along its length

        Nature's messsage CLUES ---> 

        Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free

        The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, ... 

        At the time of his death, he was 6' 4" ( tall and weighed 292 lb  . ... 
        , in the 2900 block of Canfield Drive, in the middle of the Canfield Green ...

        Thus we have length --> 2900 block ..etc

        An interesting puzzle for modern amateur forensic scienists.
        What a hobby?
        Become a science detective. 

      Now, lets look at the SYMBOL MACHINE   concepts of  CURL properties  and Nature's application to EARTH LAB specimen Micheal Brown  of weight 292 LB .... the copper codes.

      Divergence and Curl of B-field assigned to B = Brown

       Divergence and Curl of Brown-field



      • Divergence and Curl of B-field - ICT-Wiki - IIT Kanpur

        Sep 7, 2010 - However in magnetostatics a magnetic charge (i.e. monopole) is not ... In magnetostatics, it can be proved that the curl of magnetic field B is ...
      • [PDF]LECTURE NOTES 15 The Divergence & Curl of B Ampere's ...

        always (⇒ no free magnetic charges/no magnetic monopoles!!!) no “bare” or “isolated” N or S free magnetic charges. For the curl of ( ). B r we use another ...
      • [PDF]Divergence and Curl of B; Gauss and Amp`ere's laws 8. 1 ...

        University of Edinburgh

        EM 3 Section 8: Divergence and Curl of B; Gauss and Amp`ere's laws. 8. 1. Divergence of B and Gauss' Law for Magnetic Fields. We can write the Biot-Savart ...

      Thus we have CONCEPTS ...........

      it can be proved that the curl of magnetic field B is ... and we have EARTH
      geography site ....Fer = ferrous oxide and Fer = Ferguson near St. Louis


      For the curl of ( ). B r we use another ...

      For the curl of ( ). B r we use another ...

      For the curl of ( ). B r we use another  B r --> Brown bio-physics specimen...


      What equation describe Michael Br . ...... and his relationship to  Ampere’s

      Circuital Law




      Belwo ...B(r)   equations applied to EARTH LAB copper atomic number 29 2 wires --> equivalence ---> Micheal Br  Brown. 


      The word CurL .. subset letters Cu = Copper symbol and Margaret Mead atomic social sciences

      The word CurFew --> Cu  + Fe --> Copper (represented by Mr.Brown at 292 pounds)
       AND Fe= Ferrous oxide atom represented by the small city of Ferguson.

      Hence, we see Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE explain some EARTH LANGUAGE words and their social  engineering connotations.

      Below,   we repeat the equation concept  ..... Nature's  atomic bio-physics DISPLAY DEVICE with his proper noun identifier -->


      Background --> Back + ground --> feedback signal

      Michael Brown Jr.  .........
      Mic --> atoMic  agent  

      Michael Brown Jr. -->  equation codes .....
      ................B r       Jr    with the math integration symbol  of  math SYMBOL LIFE tested in year 1957 at Central High School, Little Rocket science test in bio-math integration in Arkansas


      Thus we have an interesting puzzle  that remains open  in October 2014.

      Group 2 - Astronomy Parallax Murder PART 2

      by Herb Zinser

      Supersymmetry and Parallel Dimensions - The Harvard Crimson‎

      The Harvard Crimson

      Jan 6, 2006 - Supersymmetry and Parallel Dimensions ... Randall proposed that the universe has more than four dimensions (three of space and one of time) ...

      Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time ...

      Michio Kaku - 1994 - ‎Science

      It came as a shock, therefore, when a new symmetry, called supersymmetry, was discovered, that did exactly that. Equations that are supersymmetric allow the ...



      Discovering the Quantum Universe -‎

      Once they've seen the Terascale, physicists believe, the universe will never look ... evidence for supersymmetry, extra dimensions or parallel universes, a linear ...

      Man Gets Life in Ax Murder - Free Republic‎

      Free Republic

      Nov 30, 2007 - (Son who killed mother at Oconomowoc home will be eligible for parole in 50 years). Waukesha, WI - Saying the ax murder of Gloria Jean Totzke by her ... a judge imposed a life prison sentence Friday for Mark Totzke, with no ...

      Man ordered to stand trial in mother's  (Parallel) ax slaying › NewsWaukesha County

      Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

      Oct 6, 2006 - An Oconomowoc man was ordered Thursday to stand trial on a first-degree ... Mark D. Totzke was ordered by Waukesha County Court ...

      Group 2 - Astronomy Parallax Murder - PART 1

      by Herb Zinser


      Man ordered to stand trial in mother's ax slaying › NewsWaukesha County

      Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

      Oct 6, 2006 - An Oconomowoc man was ordered Thursday to stand trial on a first-degree ... Mark D. Totzke was ordered by Waukesha County Court ...

      Waukesha County Court ... 
      Waukesha County Court ... 
      Waukesha County Court ...
       Waukesha County Court ... the astronomy parallel message .....  

      Astronomy (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎


      Astronomy (ISSN 0091-6358) is a monthly American magazine about astronomy. ... Based near Milwaukee in Waukesha, Wisconsin




      The Nichols plot technique --> the death plot at Virginia Tech

      by Herb Zinser

      Rd-blog-number-3753 by Herb Zinser

      The tragic event at Virginia TECH university at Norris Hall engineering gives us insight to the engineering of  death using the  Nichols plot technique ......... adopted to human social process control systems; hence, the Nichols murder plot technique..


      The EVENT that provides the  engineering  database clues -->

      Virginia Tech massacre

      The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart.

      Norris Hall shootings

      About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others.


      Above we have the keywords:  Norris (symbol N)  CHO  and engineering science


      Using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE of words,  living languages , concepts, and ideas we see the Norris Hall events as a  possible expression of SYMBOL MACHINE's thought system -->

      Nichols plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      The Nichols plot is a plot used in signal processing and control design, named after American engineer Nathaniel B. Nichols.


      Plot (graphics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎


      A plot is a graphical technique for representing a data set, usually as a graph showing ... Graphs of functions are used in mathematics, sciences, engineering, technology, .... Nichols plot : This is a graph used in signal processing in which the ...


      an extended nichols chart with constant magnitude ... - Diego Regruto‎

      by V Cerone - ‎Related articles

      Nichols chart, Stability properties. 1. INTRODUCTION. This paper deals with a teaching project on analysis and design of feedback control systems for an un-.





      The SYMBOL MACHINE  version of the Nicholas plot -->  the Nichols murder plot works with CAD systems ... social engineering Computer Aided Design of human CADAVERS   .... and Darwin CONCEPT   selection to optimize message content   .... .selected an engineering building for the message creation.



      Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others



      Nichols Plot Design - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks‎

      The MathWorks

      Accelerating the pace of engineering and science ... An alternative method for designing compensators is to use the Nichols plot, which combines ... You can design compensators with the SISO Design Tool by using Nichols plot techniques.

      Nichols Plot Design 

      N i cho  l s Plot Design

      Norris interface cho language systems Plot Design


      Thus the equation needs a  CHO ..therefore the Darwin symbol selection  from the Virginia TECH student body LIST of proper  nouns ,,,,,,, the selection of  MR.CHO for   Nature's engineering military mission.


      If the CONCEPT --> NiChols had a different name  .. like NiSmith  ..... then someone with the name of SMITH would have committed the Virginia TECH shooting. 


      cho virginia.PNG


      Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech massacre. .... Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to ...

      Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English,

      Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English,

      Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English,

      Nii + Cho + ls  was noted for being good at mathematics and English,

      Nichols  was noted for being good at mathematics and English,

      The system Nichols  was noted for being good at mathematics and English

      Nature's  INTELLECT system  and Nichols Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English,  ...... and being good for detecting English language newspaper stories being full of nonsense social policies  and incomplete explanations of REALITY.


      To complete the engineering message ...we have a 3rd concept.

      We had the Nichols plot  and Computer Aided Design of student CADAVERS.

      The 3rd component of the the multi-faceted EVENT   ...............

      Bode plot --> Bode --> Bodies plot --> dead Bodies plot for a cemetery plot 

      A Bode plot /ˈbdi/ is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system's frequency response. It is usually a combination of a Bode magnitude plot, expressing the magnitude of the frequency response gain, and a Bode phase plot, expressing the frequency response phase shift.



      Among his several important contributions to circuit theory and control theory, engineer Hendrik Wade Bode (1905–1982), while working at Bell Labs in the United States in the 1930s, devised a simple but accurate method for graphing gain and phase-shift plots. These bear his name, Bode gain plot and Bode phase plot. "Bode" is pronounced /ˈbdi/ BOH-dee (Dutch: [ˈbodə]).[1][2]

      The magnitude axis of the Bode plot is usually expressed as decibels of power, that is by the 20 log rule: 20 times the common (base 10) logarithm of the amplitude gain. With the magnitude gain being logarithmic, Bode plots make multiplication of magnitudes a simple matter of adding distances on the graph (in decibels), since

      A Bode phase plot is a graph of phase versus frequency, also plotted on a log-frequency axis, usually used in conjunction with the magnitude plot, to evaluate how much a signal will be phase-shifted. For example a signal described by: Asin(ωt) may be attenuated but also phase-shifted. If the system attenuates it by a factor x and phase shifts it by −Φ the signal out of the system will be (A/x) sin(ωt − Φ). The phase shift Φ is generally a function of frequency.

       Bode phase plot

       Bodie phase plot

       Bodies  phase plot

       Bode phase plot

       Bodies social engineering  ADJUSTMENT  phase plot

      virginia tech 34.PNG

       Bode phase plot

       Bode phase plot

       Bode phase plot




      Below,  higher education and the high-pass filter of university systems integrity

      bode plot engineering nichols plot.PNG

      Figure 1(a): The Bode plot for a first-order (one-pole) highpass filter; the straight-line approximations are labeled "Bode pole"; phase varies from 90° at low frequencies (due to the contribution of the numerator, which is 90° at all frequencies) to 0° at high frequencies (where the phase contribution of the denominator is −90° and cancels the contribution of the numerator).

      Thus far we have the sequence of concepts and plots ..... Nichols plot,  CAD applications to campus students, Bode plot ..... and now the cemetery plot.

      virginia tech porte 1.PNG

      Reasons for Dissenting from the Philosophy of M. Comte by Herbert ...‎

      Marxists Internet Archive

      Herbert Spencer (1864) ... There are coexistences and sequences of all degrees of commonness from those which are ever present to .... If it be admitted that by the aboriginal man, as by the child, the co-existent properties of large surrounding ...


      There are coexistences and sequences of all degrees

      There are coexistences and sequences of all degrees

      There are co-existences and sequences of all degrees including Bachelor of ARTs degrees from universities .................   and the sequence laws state that graduates from Virginia TECH ought help explain the tragic event   ..... instead of the incomplete and nonsense  explanations that still exist in year 2014.



      Other applications of engineering technology to social adjustment engineering are ..

      Nicholas murder plot technique   AND the  

      Linear Programming: Chapter 2 The Simplex Method - Princeton ...‎

      Princeton University

      Linear Programming: Chapter 2. The Simplex Method. Robert J. Vanderbei. October 17, 2007. Operations Research and Financial Engineering. Princeton ...


      Thus the  Nicholas plot and the Simplex Method  are factors in the generated EVENT -> the murder of Nicole Simpson. ...........................  O. J. Simpson ( systems)  murder case




      Nicholas murder plot technique at the Cole Hall shooting.

      The Northern Illinois University shooting (NIU)  was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and himself (6 dead).


      At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.


      Applied engineering  ................... the NICHOLs   language systems
       equation --> NI +  CHO --> NIU + Cole Hall oceanography 


      Cole hall  seats.PNG

      To understand this process ...let's review some  living language ideas.

      This blog post uses the Nature's SYMBOL PROCESSORS that describe the earthly universe AND  and its contents.

      Modern CMS (Content Management Systems) are used to describe EARTH contents   ....... .....  humans activities and  tragic signaling EVENTS.

      In year 2014 ..... the TALE of 2 Cities provides an accurate perception of existence on EARTH.

      1) physical existence of biology human beings, lumber houses, I-beams  of  iron/ cement/ glass office buildings, 4-wheeled automobiles with gasoline engines, etc

      2) SYMBOL MACHINE existence ..... cities of black ink symbols and concepts --> chemistry books, computer manuals,   college textbooks on electronics,  books of algebra equations, etc., 

      Thus we have modern view of EARTH .....  a symbol universe  that physical biology humans live within.  Humans are considered subsets  ...... living within.... embedded within Nature's symbol universe.

      We are reminded of ....... 

      Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎
      A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...

      Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎
      Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...

      Maps and Territories -‎

      Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
      Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
      There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First,  




      Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
      abstraction Ladder -‎

      GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.

      Thus in year 2014. we see new trends in applied engineering  and how it can control the human brain and have humans commit crime and murder.   Of course, the teacher of this  brain manipulation technology   using  SYMBOLs, word commands, music commands,  and PICTURE  technology is Madison Avenue advertising and marketing with approval by citizens, college students, universities, business corporations, and state and federal governments.

      The Nikoli Tesla resonance battle at Virginia TECH's Norris Hall engineering building

      by Herb Zinser

      Rd-blog-number-3742 by Herb Zinser


      Let's take another look at Nikoli Tesla's theories about EARTH systems.


      Nikola tesla.PNG

      First, let's remember his invention of the AC electric motor.

      tesla electric motor.PNG

      Nikola Tesla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to ..... In 1888, a month before Tesla demonstrated his AC induction motor...


      Now, let's look at Tesla's EARTH theories and their appearance in recent EVENTS.

      In year 2014, we have the advantage of over 100 year of evolution of AC concepts and his EARTH's theories.   Do any data events exist that correlate to his concepts?.



      Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle‎

      In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... For the past few years, he had pondered the sigificance of waves and resonance, ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...


      Let's use Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE languages to help us  identify the KEYWORDS of a possible Tesla  signaling event.



      vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

       A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

       A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...


      earth returns an "echo signature"

      earth returns an "echo signature"

      earth returns an "echo signature"


      "echo signature"

      "echo signature"

      "echo signature"  ---> partition words into subset symbols -->

      e + cho + sign + nature -----> the tragic EVENT that satisfies those cryptic  CLUES with KEYWORD --> CHO and sign  (suggesting (language  sign) -->.


      "echo signature"

      "echo signature"

      "echo signature"  ---> partition words into subset symbols -->

      e + cho + sign + nature ----->

      e =  english
      cho = Mr.Cho
      signs =  signs / letters/ symbols of  math and english languages ....  and symbolism english 

      nature --> implies our relationship to EARTH and Nature



      Below, the Tesla message processing region and the EARTH  sign --> hydrogology.

      Hydrology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and ...

      Outline of hydrology - ‎Surface-water hydrology - ‎Category:Hydrology - ‎Discharge


      norris hall vrginia.PNG

      , Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, 





      Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle


      In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... For the past few years, he had pondered the sigificance of waves and resonance, ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...


      he had pondered the sigificance of waves 

      he had pondered the sigificance of waves 

      he had pondered the sigificance of waves 

      he had pondered the sigificance of waves  and the COLE HALL oceanography classroom.

      Cole hall  seats.PNG

       A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

       A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

       A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

      echo signature"

      echo signature"

      echo .....nature --> e + c + o + nature ---> DeKlab farm/agriculture community gives -->

      e + c + o + Nature --> earth cole hall ocean


      Thus ,,,,, both signaling EVENTS used the key word as an equation for Darwinian SYMBOL selection of the EVENT components and players:   site,   people's names, course title, etc.

      Hence, Nature's systems creation of the EVENT for the purpose of sending a Tesla signal to society and their college students  ..... their brain alien subroutines of SYMBOL and CONCEPT nonsense......   that violate Tesla  EARTH  laws of real REALITY.



      Thus we see the incomplete explanations given for 2 major tragedies   ...... involving waves and resonances AND humans in college classrooms.

      The carbon dioxide continuum EQUATIONs for murder

      by Herb Zinser

      RD-blog-number-3702 by Herb Zinser


      The carbon dioxide molecule continuum MURDER process and its social engineering WAR message to society.



      Let's look at EARTH LAB using modern CMS concepts.

      Content management system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      A content management system (CMS) is a computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central ...

      List of content management - ‎Web Content Management - ‎E-learning - ‎Hand coding

      In the case of EARTH LAB ....  the contents are human people, their activities, tragic events, and other ideas and entities as may be described in a major daily newspaper, a weekly news magazine, or the 1st section of the Wall Street Journal (major worlds affairs section).

      Thus ...we see  CMS in a larger context of EARTH LAB ...and the Theory of Everthing physics .........  which includes the periodic atomic table of life,  thought, and feelings  ....  and its atomic social science expressions.


      Let's look at some reports about Nature's carbon dioxide military techniques. 

      The carbon dioxide molecule (OCO)  orders the

      bombing at Federal building in OCO --> Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


      carbon dioxide 2.jpg
      • Carbon dioxide

        Chemical Compound

      • Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring chemical compound composed of 2 oxygen atoms each covalently double bonded to a single carbon atom. Wikipedia


      Carbon dioxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Jump to Transport in the blood - CO2 is carried in blood in three different ways. (The exact percentages vary depending whether it is arterial or venous blood).

      Dry ice - ‎Carbon dioxide in Earth's - ‎Carbon dioxide data - ‎Carbon sink

      Let's look at the periodic atomic table WAR and the formats of its military expressions. The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflicts in the atomic social sciences are well known to serious readers.
      Atomic, bio-physics programmable  humanoids are the carrier vehicles for atomic military policy.

      Let's look at  the carbon dioxide message to the Federal government, the Department  of Energy,  and other science agencies and institutions.

      Nature's systems equation is  ...... 
      physical chemistry and molecule  thoughts, emotions, and anger  ---> mapping to --> VISIBLE displays in the societal chemistry. The visible display EVENT was -->

      Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary -‎The History Channel

      On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more ...Videos - ‎Speeches - ‎Oklahoma City bombing - ‎Photo Galleries

      Below, the results of  the periodic atomic table ... Margaret  Mead atomic anthropology WAR


      Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎


      The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred ..... The toll eventually reached 168 confirmed dead


      168 confirmed

      168 confirmed periodic atomic table SIGNAL

      168 confirmed --> atomic mass 16 and atomic number 8

      Carbon dioxide 44.PNG



      The next example of the OCO murder equation  involves the  OCO geography address in Wisconsin --->

      carbon dioxide 2.jpg
      • Oco 

      • Oco 

      • Oconomowoc


      • Town in Wisconsin

      • Oconomowoc is a town in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 7,451 at the 2000 census. The City of Oconomowoc and the Village of Lac La Belle are located partially in the town.

      Below, the carbon dioxide  region of  carbon dioxide social engineering structures named humanoids.

      oconomowoc map 1.PNG
      oconomowoc  1.jpg

      The carbon dioxide --> symbol equation for murder 
      --> carbon di +ox + ide --> equation expanded for more accuracy
      --> carbon die oxygen idea   ....... and this molecular brain command sentence ......  then goes from the CO2 continuum  into the more visible physical reality of physical biology / violence.

      Thus we see a bio-math mapping from the starting domain (CO2 continuum and its thoughts) to physical events and human expressions ... on the geography surface of EARTH.

      Man ordered to stand trial in mother's ax slaying

      • › ... › Waukesha County

        Milwaukee Journal Sentin...

        Oct 6, 2006 - Mark D. Totzke was ordered by Waukesha County Court ... Hogan said that he found the body of Gloria Jean Totzke when he pushed open her ...

      • Man brain axon  charged with killing mother's axon with ax, planned rampage ... › ... › BREAKING CRIME NEWS!

        Aug 14, 2006 - 12 posts - ‎4 authors

        Mark D. Totzke was held on $1 million bail after being charged with first-degree ... The killing of 59-year-old Gloria J. Totzke while she slept early ... at St. John's Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, "an extremely violent ...
      mark totzke 1.PNG

      Military Academy

      Military Academy

      Military Academy --> thus we have Nature's educational lesson in molecule military force expression FORMATS   for St.John's,   the Pentagon, DARPA, and the Wisconsin National Guard.

      Drink some COKE, Pepsi, 7-up or other carbon dioxide beverage to experience the CO2 effect..

      mark totzke.PNG

      Above, we see the social science events as   they occur in the carbon dioxide continuum.


      We have the tragic signal event occur in the OCO -->  OCONOMOWOC  geography region.

      A Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family LEGAL agent  was Commissioner Martin Binn.

      His title identifies his ROLE in the carbon dioxide molecular WAR continuum.


      Commissioner ... subset word ..

      ..........mission    ..... with St.John's  Military Academy ...

      Commissioner  ...subset atomic symbols 

      Com --> C + om  --> Carbon oxygen molecule  --> CO2  undercover agent Martin Binn 


      But these agents do not communicate with serious researchers about advanced forensic technology and theories,


      OCONOMOWOC equation is more complex ..... it is an example of an information string .... that goes back to the concepts of Herbert Spencer.


      Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its‎

      Liberty Fund

      Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.


      • Reasons for Dissenting from the Philosophy of M. Comte by Herbert ...‎

        Marxists Internet Archive

        Herbert Spencer (1864) ... There are coexistences and sequences of all degrees of commonness from those which are ever present to ..... Out of the countless co-existences and sequences with which mankind are environed, they have been ...
      • Philosophical Connections: Spencer - Pathways to Philosophy‎

        Herbert Spencer was born in Derby. ... produces in our minds an abstract relative idea, of, respectively, all sequences in time and all co-existences in space [d].




      Liberty Fund

      Herbert Spencer, First Principles [1867] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... conditions of consciousness under which sequences and co-existences are known; but we ..


      sequences and co-existences are known;

      sequences and co-existences are known;

      sequences and co-existences are known;

      sequences and co-existences are known;



      OCO...................OC --> next probable Wisconsin tragic signaling EVENT code --> OC --> Oak Creek   


      Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life by shooting himself in the head ...

      Incident - ‎Victims - ‎Perpetrator - ‎Reactions



      Thus we see some CLUES about how the carbon dioxide continuum and express anger and take military action VIA  molecular humanoid ACTION FIGURES.


      Action Figures - Entertainment Earth‎

      Corgi International Limited

      Items 1 - 60 of 1928 - Action Figures, Toys, Bobble Heads, Gifts, and Collectibles. Mint Condition Guaranteed, 90-Day Hassle Free Returns, Low Price Guarantee, .




      Action Figures, Amazing Spider-Man Toys, Dark Knight, Power ...‎

      Toys "R" Us

      Toys"R"Us has an incredible selection of Action Figures - The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight, Power Rangers, Transformers and more! Shop Toys"R"Us!


      According to Einstein's theory of relativity and  point to VIEW  ..... Nature's carbon dioxide continuum  has millions of human action figures  .... and  a billion human bobble heads  .....

      gift (GI + ft --> G.I.Joe feet with ARMY boots) ..... transformers (that change solid ideas around that ought not be changed) ....


      Thus in year 2014 ....  we have  interesting puzzles  . .. that need more research.

      Amateur detectives with some basic math and science high school or college textbooks  ....... have an opportunity to see how these concept  books help describe EVENTS that are printed in newspapers.

      The Aldo Moro death equation messages for organic chemistry

      by Herb Zinser


      Nature's organic chemistry continuum expresses itself in year 2014 in 2 major formats :

      1) the traditional format of physical molecules, high school and college chemistry LAB,  and the chemical  properties of atoms and molecules

      2) the SYMBOL  LIFE format of molecules and reactions as expressed in college  chemistry  textbooks  ... the  periodic atomic table symbols, Lewis dot diagrams,  chemistry formula, etc.


      In addition  ... we must consider the organic chemistry --> social  chemistry  EQUATION and  its  expressions in the social sciences, political science, and literature.


      Let's look at an examples  of   organic chemistry continuum  ....   communications techniques and methods. 


      Aldol Addition - Organic Chemistry Portal › ReactionsName Reactions

      Under conditions of kinetic control, the mixed Aldol Addition can be used to prepare adducts that are otherwise difficult to obtain selectively. This process begins ...

      First, we have the aldo addition --> of  carbon life form  in humanoid format with proper noun ... Aldous Huxley.

      The organic continuum addition --> the aldo addition as a human with his  chemistry identifier

      Aldous Huxley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Aldous Leonard Huxley /ˈhʌksli/ (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and a prominent member of the Huxley family. Best known for his ...

      Brave New World - ‎Huxley family - ‎The Doors of Perception - ‎Matthew Huxley

      In addition, the aldo Huxley writer provided aldol thought enhancements   ..... his  aldo additions to literature and philosophy.


      aldous huxley.PNG

      A more complicated social   chemistry process occured in ITALY. 

      Aldol reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      A typical modern aldol addition reaction, shown above, might involve the nucleophilic addition of a ketone enolate to ..... Advanced Organic Chemistry (5th ed.).



      1st came the aldo addition to Italian   political science  with  organic humanoid .....

      Aldo Moro

      Aldo Moro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Aldo Romeo Luigi Moro (ˈaldo ˈmɔːro]; September 23, 1916 – May 9, 1978) was a centre-left Italian politician and the 39th Prime ..


      Then he became a C = Carbon  Demo Particle --> C = Christian Demo  Part --> Christian Democrat Party ...

      Aldo Moro (premier of Italy) -- Encyclopedia Britannica‎

      Encyclopaedia Britannica

      Law professor, Italian statesman, and leader of the Christian Democratic Party, who served five times as premier of Italy (1963–64, 1964–66, 1966–68, 1974–76, ...

      picture - aldo.PNG

      Organic Chemistry‎

      Brooklyn College

      D-aldotetroses and the two most abundant D-aldopentoses in the biological world: ... Expect four stereoisomer 22 for aldotetroses. Two D ... Addition reaction.

      Thus he was a D-aldo  --> Democrat Aldo  --> more precisely  ...  a Christian Democrat Aldo Mo (ro ) --> representing the D-aldo mo (molecules)  in Nature's the organic chemistry  continuum   ...... within the 11-dimensions of string theory  within with Sartre  existentialism. 



      He was kidnapped on March 16, 1978, by the Red Brigades  -->concept proper noun  CLUE  implies READ Bridge --> Jerry March and  the SYMBOL MACHINE  ..... textbook ....    Advanced organic chemistry   expression  message of March 16, 1978.

      picture  -atoms march.PNG

      Thus we have a list of chemistry clues about the organic molecule structure with EARTH LAB label -->  Aldo Moro  ... who lived embedded within Nature's organic chemistry continuum..


      What additional information was omitted from the criminal reports about his murder.

      1)  Aldo Romeo Luigi Moro -->
      Aldo ROM (Read Only Molecules)  Lu (Logical unit bio-computer) 


      2) born September 23 a mole container for Avogadro's number  .. ten toes with exponent 23 --> TOE theory data specimen

      avogadro 12.PNG

       In tribute to him, Aldo Moro was born on September 23 and was raised  to exponential high office in the Hierarchy Problem continuum  ....... the number of elementary entities (atoms, molecules, ions or other particles) in 1 mole of a substance, 6.02214179 )×10  exponent 23,  is known as the Avogadro constant.



      Another clue ... is the electron coulombs  NUMBER  signal 

      coulomb 1.PNG

      Thus we have   C = Carbon DEMO (Christian Democrat code )  
      of  Aldo Moro ( an Italian Avogadro's number mole container born on Sept 23  in a B.F.SKINNER Box ... a  human skin dermatology rectangular box)  with coulomb numbers 16 and 19 represented by year 1916.

      Thus the coulomb birth in year 1916 of the atomic molecular political  entity ALDO MORO,


      and then his coulomb kidnapping numbers of 16 and 19 .... March 16, 1979. 


      Then 55 days later his murder in a  ferrous oxide  iron automobile  .... atomic number 55.85 and 55 days ---> the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family  ... atomic anthropology data signal.

      picture  - table 2.PNG

      March 16 is a reminder that oxygen computer systems played a role in the LU = Logical Unit --> LUNGS of  LUGI  -->  Aldo Romeo Luigi Moro --> algebra subset symbol code --> O Lu --> Oxygen Logical Unit.


      In year 2014, the Italian and European governments continue to deny the existence of  the oxygen base 16 atomic INTELLECT.

      oxygen atom  2 inner.PNG
      picture  - hex 2.PNG

      Thus we see the incomplete explanations given in newspapers about the Aldo Moro signaling tragedy.  YOU have some pieces to a puzzle  .... you ought try to build upon the outline given above.

      Z-paper-548 --> Solomon's organic chemistry attack at Fort Hood

      by Herb Zinser

      From the z-paper series by Herb Zinser.


      Z-paper-548  looks at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE languages that provide CLUES about tragic signaling events such as  the FORT HOOD shooting.


      Let's look at Nature's  SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.


      The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.


      We are reminded of ......


      Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ...
      Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎
      A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...


      Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎
      Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


      Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
      Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.

      Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

      There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds



      The signaling EVENT describes these 2 worlds ...the world of novels, books, symbol commands, concepts    VS   the world of physical biology and everyday human activities of work, grocery shopping, etc.


      The EVENT -->

      Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The Fort Hood shooting was an  (atomic mass)  mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army ...

      Jihadism - ‎Joe Lieberman - ‎United States - ‎


       November 5,    November 5,
       November 5 ...  algebra subset alphabet symbols
       Nove   --->   implies --> Novel / book  ...such as ...

      picture - solomon.PNG

      Let's look at an outline of concepts Nature's organic chemistry continuum and its anger can transform the anger into social chemistry information display EVENTS.

      The organic chemistry continuum in year 2014 is comprised of 2 parts:  the traditional part of physical chemistry molecules AND the more recent ..the Darwinian molecular evolution of molecule  INTELLECT ......  the SYMBOL LIFE of those chemistry  molecules and their formula and diagrams ...   such as  found in Nature's  organic chemistry  .. .molecular military  manuals..


      han solo  star wars.jpg



      The lost legacy of Nature's organic continuum  as it   returns  with molecular social engineering systems.

      solo  star 1.PNG

      Wiley: Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition - T. W. Graham Solomons ... › ... › General Organic Chemistry‎  John Wiley & Sons
      A central theme of the authors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the 


      Wiley: Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition - T. W. Graham Solomons ...

      T W --> Texas Western

      Graham --> subset signal word --> Ham --> General Carter Ham  .......

      Factbox: General Car---> Carbon ---> Carter   Ham - Yahoo Voices -‎


      Mar 29, 2011 - An article about General Carter Ham. ... Was also in charge of the investigation on the Fort Hood Shootings. * Currently in charge of the U.S. ...



      The social chemistry equation using symbols, proper nouns, and subset words ...

      T,W. Gramham SOLOMON ought learn atomic and molecular ENGLISH languages and organic chemistry military expression FORMATs ..........


      T,W. Gramham SOLOmon  equation message --->

      Texas Western (western style cowboy shooting)  
      Gramham --> Gram + ham --> Grammar (carbon life form Carter) Ham

      SOLO --> single agent  ....general (carter Ham)  and solo agent ......
      biochemistry  major assigned by Darwinian selection to Nature to biochemistry molecule military forces (major Nidal Hasan) 


      Charles Darwin hydrocarbon selection of humanoid agents .......  super-symmetry ... EARTHLY parallel universes  ......

      Selective Service System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎

      The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States ..... the demobilization points system employed by the US Army at the conclusion of ...


      The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States .

      The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States .

      The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the EARTH government and Nature's systems .....   using the subset United States ARMY  MODEL as a prototype example of  an administrative structure .


      general Carter ham.PNG

      Below, EARTH LAB applied chemistry  of  Acids  and   Bases --> the bases at Fort Hood Base ..

      that is the   EARTH L:AB --> chemistry  LAB HOOD  -->  site Fort (Lab) HOOD. 

      picture - chem lab hood 1.PNG

      Other names ---> Fort Hood

      Uses --> removal of bIg mouth talking  fumes

      Uses --> Bla Bla Bla shield  of   television and radio  incomplete explanations of  the Virginia Tech English department shooting in  blabber talking university --->   Bla Bla Black sheep --> bla Bla Blacksburg sheepskin diploma's of  social  science and social economic nonsense.

      Uses --> Blast shield --> STAR WARS, Star Trek and Deep Space Nine military language terms and concepts  
      ..... shields up / shields down 

      Picture - chem fort hood 3.PNG
       Arrow pushingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaArrow pushing or electron pushing is a technique used to describe the progression of organic chemistry reaction mechanisms


      Arrow pushing

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Arrow pushing or electron pushing is a technique used to describe the progression of organic chemistry reaction mechanisms

      chemistry bond homo  break solomon.PNG

      Fort Hood  molecule processing center ........ as explained by the University of Texas in nearby Austin, Texas ....

      E1 eliminations

      An E1 elimination occurs when a proton adjacent to a positive charge leaves and generates a double bond.


      E2 eliminations

      An E2 elimination occurs when a proton adjacent to a leaving group is extracted by a base with simultaneous elimination of a leaving group   (that is the 13 dead soldiers are the leaving group)


      nitrogen 5.PNG
      robert gates Cia.PNG

      Below, the U.S.ARMY  base for the salt molecule .......

      Joint Base Lewis  with Lewis Dots   - McChord Home - U.S. Army   Chemistry awareness department‎

      Fort Lewis

      ... traffic, use the Pendleton Ave. underpass or Madigan Gate/I-5 to access Lewis North).

      Chapter 4, Lesson 6 Multimedia

      Lewis Dot Diagrams --> Fort Lewis, Washington

      Please click on the image above to see a larger version.

      • A Lewis dot structure is like a simplified electron energy level model.
      sodium chloride salt molecule.jpg
      babylon iraq map.PNG
      brave new World book.PNG

      Above, organic chemistry literature    ...... the aldo addition for USA scientists ..

      Aldol Addition - Organic Chemistry Portal › ReactionsName Reactions

      Aldol Addition Aldol Reaction. 'Aldol' is an abbreviation of aldehyde and alcohol. When the enolate of an aldehyde or a ketone reacts at the α-carbon with the ...


      Thus we see pieces to a puzzle about Nature's  social systems  ..... and the Hierarchy Problem of physics with the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science expressions VIA atomic molecular humanoid display  devices



      ladder of abstraction  from umstattd site.jpg