Book-1207 analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a paperback book about Madison, Wisconsin and the Carl Jung subconsiousness GROUP MIND secrets of the University of Wisconsin collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em) life forms with EARTH LAB identifier em = employees.
The atomic collective student body ..... a composite body composed of thousands of human people ... is perceived by Nature as a living entity ...... that concept of groups is well known ...instutions and corporations have a life of their own ..... they are living entities ... in many ways an individual human being.
The author's ability ..... to intercept the more hidden levels of thought that reside in the EARTH LAB site of experimental human BRAIN specimens ....
What is a Server? Webopedia › TERM › S
A computer or device on a network that manages network resources. There are many different types of servers. For example: File server: a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files. Any user on the network can store files on the server.
What is server? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Network hardware
1) In information technology, a server is a computer program that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in the same or other computers.
What is HUMAN server? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Network hardware
1) In information technology, a server is a human bio-computer program that provides BRAIN processing services to lazy Mother computer programs and their families that do not think (and their users) in the same or ...her computers.
What wis HUMAN server? - Definition from
What wisconsin HUMAN server? - Definition from
What wisconsin Base 16 Hex'FF" A = 255 HUMAN farmer server of the Future Farmers of America ? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Network hardware
1) In information technology, a server is a computer program that provides services to Mother bio-computer social engineering programs and bull-story programs for the brain processor
Above secret codes
--> E I --> Entry Input with base 16 hex'E' = 15 decimal data
Above words ...... running that six-teenth of a page for longer ... COMPUTER EARTH system 360/ 370 keyword concepts ...........
Page --> reference to computer page ..... a page of geography land such as DuPage County west of Chicago
Above, DuPage County with Fermi LAB computers near Batavia that violate COMPUTER EARTH iron core instructions to human IRON-56 hemogloblin proteins structure near EARTH geography surface .... Illinois information highway 56 for Iron-56.
In addition, FermiLAB and DuPage Country violate the double-word information Highway 64 protocol of Nature's systems that LINKS the North Pole magnetic field data flow lines of North Avenue with the St. Charles (Darwin) Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru, South America that ....... thru SYMBOL LIFE evolution of brain MITochondria at MIT university in camBRIDGE ..... established a Margaret Mead atomic evolutionary social communications BRIDGE at EARTH fer = ferrous oxide IRON core surface OUTPOST known by EARTHG LAB identifier as Fe = FermiLAB.
Thus IRON-56 and Illinois Highway 56 and the geography ROC= Region of Convergence signaling site known as Fe= FermiLAB that atttracts human isotopes from the univeristy of Chicago street area ..... 54......56...57....58 Street.
Above, COMPUTER EARTH gravesite for OS/JCL and human bio-computer nonsense by the Basic Assembler Langauge geography region of the BALTIC.
History of IBM mainframe operating systems - Wikipedia, the ...
Arguably the operating systems which IBM supplied to customers for use on its early ... 4 System/370 and virtual memory operating systems ..
Computerworld - Sep 12, 1977 - Page 68 - Google Books Result
Vol. 11, No. 37 - Magazine
IBM's OS/VS operating systems and will work on either 360 or 370 hardware.
System/370 and virtual memory operating systems ..
...stem/37.0 and BRAIN virtual memory operating systems ..
BRAIN stem 37.0 degrees Celsius human body main frame tempertaure .....
Virtue ..... memory and the ALzheimer's memory loss to the virtual memory BRAIN manipulation operating system
The OS/JCL battle in Os region --> Oslo
2011 EARTH operating system ordered --> Norway attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first attack was a car bomb explosion in Oslo within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST). The bomb was ...
Anders Behring Breivik - International reactions - Necessity - Regjeringskvartalet
AWS Data Pipeline Documentation
Amazon Web Services
AWS Data Pipeline is a web service that you can use to automate the movement and transformation of data. With AWS Data Pipeline, you can define data-driven workflows, so that tasks can be dependent on the successful completion of previous tasks.
Above number--> Sixteenth Century --> 16 cent-- base 16 centrifugal force rotation of EARTH
16 --> pointer to year 1600 --> William Shakespeare
16 --> pointer to year 1600 --> 16 oxygen orbitals = 1 oxygen molecule
16 --> pointer to year 16 16 and Nature's Galileo project to format EARTH space/time into Base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time ........ consequently, the subsequent appearance of the COMPUTER EARTH geography adddress space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, WHITE HOUSE ...and then the continuation of information DISPLAY formats with O = Oxygen President O = Obama --> O + ba + ma --> Oxygen base 16 hexadecimal map ..messenger ..who has yet to be advised of the existence of Oxygen and the message.
Math: Contact (Carl Sagan)
In both, Ellie Arroway detects a message from the star Vega using a massive array of radio telescopes. The detection and decryption of the message, of course ...... message for White House ....... white spectrum EM optics analysis department VERSUS music head harmonic wave thinkers in Washington, DC.
The human eye optical-bio-computer ......
Above words --> her Computer to see --> translates into --> hertzian wave bio-optical computer used to see EXTERNAL world objects
Above words
--> Father O's --> father Optical systems (with words, equations, flow charts )......... .the optical input data into the human eye from basic math and science college textbooks )
Above words--> catholic church --> subset code --> Cat --> information pointer to IBM SYS1.catalog
Identifying the Master Catalog and Initial Configuration ... - IBM
Once you have defined your master catalog, and have cataloged the necessary system data ... The following is the format of the SYSCATxx member of SYS1.
Previous topic - IBM
When you are disconnecting a user catalog, you must supply the alter authority to the ... USERCAT will cause the catalog to be disconnected from catalog SYS1.
Defining the Catalog Configuration - IBM
When you IPL your z/OS® system, you must identify the master catalog to z/OS. This can be done either through the SYSCATxx member of SYS1.NUCLEUS or ...
member of SYS1.NUCLEUS or ...
member of SYS1.NUCLEUS or molecular cell biology ............ programming the nucleus with thought software...
The brain cell NUCLEUS programming experiments at MIT univeristy resulted in thr Base 16 hexadecimal battles in Boston that ran from April 15 , 16, 17, 18, 19.
Thus Nature's MITochondria bain police using messenger RNA
(human with proper noun name .......tsa +RNA + ev (Tsarnaev) ) ....... attack MIT police officer for the MIT univeristy and its arrogant attack on MITOCHONDRIA.
Mitochondria, Cell Energy, ATP Synthase | Learn Science at ...
Mitochondria are fascinating structures that create energy to run the cell. Learn how the small genome inside mitochondria assists this function and how proteins .
The MIT univeristy ...information string theory of murder .........
Mitochondria algbera subset codes of neuroscience WAR --> MIT , OC , CHO , ND codes
MIT --> killing of MIT police man
MIT --> killing of Haroon Khan and Travis Zoellick in Watertown, Wisconins per Nature's TOE theory and application sysstem codes --> township of EMMET (EM + Metabolism)
OC --> Oklahoma City bombing
OC --> Oak Creek Wisconisn shooting at SiKH Temple
CHO --> shooting on April 16 at Virginia TECH
ND --> shooting at Northern, DeKalb
Thus we see the paperback book provides us with some CLUES to help encourage investigation into the deeper levels of REALITY needed to explain some signaling EVENTS.