Rd-blog-number-4203A by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's organic chemistry molecular expression system. One such hydrocarbon molecular expression are EARTH LAB specimens with 2-legs with identifier: humanoid.
Other expressions are various molecular configurations used by human society ...such as:.
Organic chemistry expressions structures are comprised of H = Hydrogen and C = Carbon.
Let's look at carbon molecular expression .... known as carbon black.
The Chemistry of Carbonchemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/.../bp/.../carbon.ph...Purdue University
Organic chemistry is often defined as the chemistry of carbon. But this ... Elemental Forms of Carbon: Graphite, Diamond, Coke, and Carbon Black.
Carbon black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_blackWikipedia
Carbon black (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp ... 1 Common uses; 2 Reinforcing carbon blacks; 3 Pigment; 4 Surface chemistry .... of a common black pigment, traditionally produced from charring organic ...
Carbon black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_blackWikipedia
Carbon black (subtypes are acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp ...
1 Common uses;
2 Reinforcing carbon blacks;
3 Pigment;
4 Surface chemistry .... of a common black pigment, traditionally produced from charring organic ...
Thus we see the Carbon atom expression system.
1) the existence of carbon black molecules and their applications
2) the creation by Nature of carbon atom representatives in social engineering matters. ...
such as the carbon black AGENT identifier .... the black clothes worn by the priest above.
For some reason, this carbon black expression FORMAT (humanoid) is not recognized by organic chemistry associations.
The above picture ...... symbols --> CH ... R CH --> gives CHURCH.
R CH --> Roman Catholic Church ..... a reactive site for carbon molecules and their social philosophy thoughts.
Now, lets look at the year 1993 organic chemistry molecular anger expression.
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.
Timothy McVeigh - Terry Nichols - Ruby Ridge -
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing killed 168 people[1] and injured more than 680 others.[2] The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings,[3][4] causing at least an estimated $652 million worth of damage.
Thus the keyword code
Oklahoma City --> intials --> OC = Organic Chemistry
The year 1995 EVENT message carrier for the 93 octane gasoline signal was
Timothy McVeigh(t).
Does buying 93 octane gas get me better gas mileage than 87 octane ...https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid...
Jan 11, 2010 - It's commonly sold in 87, 89 and 93 grades;
- Liquid to Gas Combustion - NEWTON Ask A Scientistwww.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/chem03/chem03768.htm
If we had 1 mole of octane, we would get 9 + 8 = 17 moles of gaseous ... many different products and depending on whether you get 87 octane or 93 octane, the ... - Ethanol, Nitrogen, MTBE, Lead - Slatewww.slate.com/articles/.../ethanol_nitrogen_mtbe_lead.htmlSlate
Mar 8, 2011 - Refiners particularly prize octane, an eight-carbon molecule. ... is crucial, because, in reality, 87 octane gas—or 89, 91, and 93 octane gas, for ..
Timothy McVeigh.
Timothy McVeigh .
Timothy McVeigh(t).
Thus, the organic chemistry message identifier codes from the molecular creation ..known as the OC = Organic Chemistry molecular DEMO in OC = Oklahoma City bombing.
Thus we see Nature's anger and Nature's molecular military methods ... using Darwinian selection of humanoid message delivery agents ...... that deliver bombs ....that express automobile gasoline engine INTERNAL combustion explosions.
Internal Combustion - HowStuffWorksauto.howstuffworks.com/engine1.htm
The principle behind any reciprocating internal combustion engine: If you put a tiny amount of high-energy fuel (like gasoline) in a small, enclosed space and ...
Below, super-symmetry physics MIRRORS of internal combustion .. using the INTERNALs of the geography city of Organic Chemistry LIFE FORMS ..... downtown .. the internal section of Oklahoma City.
Nature's message parallel processing DEMO .....
Timothy McVeigh.
Timothy McVeigh .
Timothy McVeigh(t).
........................V8 engine ...... Sartre existential message delivered by McVeigh(t)
Thus we see Nature's expression systems ... in this case .. the organic chemistry continuum ANGER over the social science policy ERRORS by organic molecule EARTH LAB structures named humanoids.
Thus the INDIVIDUAL human errors in organic molecule family planning and organic molecule social engineering.
Hence, the April 19,1995 bombing is part of Nature's social process expression system with the feedback control ERROR signal in the format of a tragic signaling EVENT .... thus creating a database for serious researchers to examine.