Z-paper-482 --> Standard Model WAR status

by Herb Zinser

From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

Z-paper 482 with  Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  and the atomic ENGLISH language analysis tool useful for understanding  the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family  and  the various REALITIES of existence.




 We see the  atomic SYMBOLS and their anger   VIA  the transformation of those INTERNAL atomic feelings  into EXTERNAL display format using atomic bio-physics humanoids  .....  such a battle  was  the Margaret…


We see the  atomic SYMBOLS and their anger   VIA  the transformation of those INTERNAL atomic feelings  into EXTERNAL display format using atomic bio-physics humanoids  .....  such a battle  was  the Margaret Mead  tau neutrino expression   ....  the atomic social science shooting   at Vt assigned location --> Virginia TECH.


book power of alpha.PNG
picture - system 370.PNG



baghdad iraq.PNG

Iraq war map 

Downtown Baghdad

Spot 1 Troops raid central Baghdad

More than 70 tanks and 60 Bradley fighting vehicles took part in a daylight thrust by the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, with tank-killing A-10 Warthog planes and pilotless drones providing air cover against mostly disorganized resistance.

Spot 2: Snipers shoot from hotel

During their armored thrust into the city, allied forces also surrounded the state-owned Al-Rashid Hotel for a time.

Iraqi snipers fired on U.S. soldiers from room



In other words ..... atomic English language VIEW

Downtown retail store ...shopping Bag with dad

Spot 1 Troops raid central nervous system  ......  Baghdad

More than

70 tanks

and 60 Bradley

fighting vehicles took part in a daylight thrust by the Army's

3rd Infantry Division,

with  think  tank-killing A-10 Warthog planes and pilotless drones providing air cover against mostly disorganized resistance.



Thus we see the numeric message  

3 + 60  -->  system 360  AND
3 + 70   --> system 370 

picture  - hex 2.PNG
iron atom 26.PNG
gulliver travel book.PNG

Thus we see that the periodic atomic table ....  and element IRON and its atomic number 26 arranged for the INVENTION (the  number 17 code)  of new iron communication signals with the year 1726 publication of the Fe --> Ferrous oxide book  ......  messages for CALTECH and Richard Fe.   In year 2014,   CALTECH and the students of Feynman continue to deny the existence of ferrous oxide, IRON hemoglobin  and the iron message  from over 280 years ago.


Herbert Spencer --->

  • Online Library of Liberty - CHAPTER IV.: THE CORRESPONDENCE ...


    Liberty Fund

    Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.
  • §7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer


    by Herbert Spencer ... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. 


Above diagram --> INTERNAL liver   

Below picture --> EXTERNAL liver   


livermore labs.PNG
picture - balkan war.PNG
oxygen atom  2 inner.PNG

Thus we see some ideas and concepts  ... that are pieces of a puzzle about Nature's social engineering language MESSAGES   .... signals we ought try to understand.