The RCH NIXON ... organic chemistry continuum and its COMPUTER EARTH matrix coordinates map

by Herb Zinser

RD-blog-number-4132 by Herb Zinser reviews the President Richard Nixon model of the EARTH organic chemistry continuum   and its EARTH geography coordinates .....  linear algebra matrix coordinates  ... rows and columns needed for COMPUTER EARTH data record processing.


Let's look at the Richard Nixon code and then at an application example from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE languages, equations, and concepts suggest the translation ....

RICHARD --> subset letters --> RCH --> R  + CH --> Reactive site Carbon Hydrogen entities


NIXON --> subset code --> N X N --> an N by N square matrix -->  in addition ...  it implies a rectangular matrix

Spiro Agnew --> Spiro --> subset --> ro --> row  .... such as rows and columns

Agnew --> Ag --> Agriculture --> farm land ...coordinates /grid of the EARTH geography surface on farms and in cities ..... all included in the surface map grid / template

Thus the project announced by Richard NIXON and Spiro Agnew  ..... that ..  human RCH organic chemistry entities existing on the Earth GEOGRAPHY SURFACE    have a location / coordinates.

Given this model of  REALITY  ... the year 1968 / 1970 project ..let's look at an example VIA its  generated EVENT   ...  an attention getting database ... signaling  EVENT.

Man shot in head at Richie's Fast Food Restaurant in West ...

May 27, 2014 - Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the West End.


Man shot in head at West End restaurant dies - Cincinnati ...

May 28, 2014 - A 27-year-old man shot in the head Tuesday night in the parking lot of Richie's Restaurant on Linn Street died Wednesday, Cincinnati police ...

Thus the organic chemistry SIGN above  ...stating that this fast food site   is a RCH  site.

Thus we had an RCH elimination chemistry --> social  and economic  chemistry.

Dathan Hall: Man charged in deadly West End restaurant ...

The suspect accused in the shooting death of a man outside of Richie's Fast Food ... in deadly West End restaurant shooting - Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV.



Dathan Hall:

Dat  ....code Dalton

John Dalton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Wikipedia

    John Dalton FRS (6 September 1766 – 27 July 1844) was an English chemist, physicist and meteorologist. He is best known for his pioneering work in the ...
  • John Dalton | Chemical Heritage Foundation

Chemical Heritage Foundation

John Dalton was one of the most important people in the history of chemistry. He established a theory of atoms that he published in "A New System of Chemical ..



Dathan Hall:

Dathan Hall:

Dathan Hall:


Hall Research Group - Department of Chemistry - University ...

University of Alberta

Hall Group, Summer 2012, CCIS building. From left to right:
 Prentice Hall Chemistry ©2008

Scott Foresman

Prentice Hall Chemistry meets the needs of students with a range of abilites, diversities, and learning styles by providing real-world connections to chemical Prentice Hall Chemistry ©2008 Prentice Hall Chemistry ©2008 APPrentice Hall Chemistry ©2008 APPrentice Dalton Hall Chemis....try 



Dathan Hall:

Dathan Hall:

Dathan Hall:


Below, the reactive site of the  social chemistry ... message processing experiment

Man shot in head at Richie's Fast Food Restaurant in ... - WIS


Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the ... p.m. to Richie's Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.


Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.

F --> Base 16 hexadecimal  Food Restaurant

Man shot in head at Richie's Fast Food Restaurant in ... - WIS


Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the ... p.m. to Richie's Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.


located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.

located in the 1300 block of Lin ..nn Street.

located in the 1300 DATA block of Line n x n square matrix  Street --> Linn -->
referback to  the 16th President of the United States .....
President Linn --> Lincoln --> Lin + col + n --> Line column n  --> Linear  algebra grid of the Illinois land in year 1860.

Thus Nature's system project started with the Base 16 hexadecimal President ...
and then  100 yeras later around 1960 thru 1970  ...... NIxon represented part of another project milestone.

Thus in August of year 2014...we have the data generating event ...



The suspect accused in the shooting death of a man outside of Richie's Fast Food Restaurant in the West End appeared in court Friday morning.

Dathan Hall, 21, was arrested Thursday night and charged with murder in the death of 27-year-old Jariell Dean last May. He's being held on a $500,000 bond.

Police said Dean was shot May 27 in the parking lot of Richie's at 1301 Linn Street, causing him to crash his vehicle into the restaurant.


Dean suffered a gunshot wound to the head and later died at the hospital.

Hall appeared in a Hamilton County courtroom at 9 a.m. Friday for arraignment. The case was scheduled to go before a grand jury August 18.


appeared in a Hamilton County courtroom 

appeared in a Hamilton County courtroom ...


The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and the Matrix ... - MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The matrix exponential eAt forms the basis for the homogeneous (unforced) and the forced ... The Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that every matrix satisfies its.



The matrix exponential eAt forms

The matrix exponential eAt forms

The matrix exponential --> eAt forms
 ---> at Richie's fast food restaurant for thought ......... food for organic chemistry and math INTELLECTUAL thoughts

Thus year 2015 ..we have some data clues about Nature's puzzling message EVENT.


The EARTH algebra geography map of the Lake Michigan parabola and Chicago math life

by Herb Zinser

Rd-bog-number-1260 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH algebra geography map of the Lake Michigan quadratic equation parabolic graph   and Chicago Poles, Chicago Circle campus, and the University of Chicago at 56th Street.

Let's look  at a math outline of the Chicago and Gary, Indiana region. After that simple model is covered   ..we shall extended the concept to include more factors.




The  EARTH algebra geography surface

with the Lake  Michigan parabola



Rd-blog-number-1259 by Herb Zinser reviews the  Lake Michigan mathematical-physics properties known to geography students that live in cities along Lake Michigan.

Images for university of chicago quad  --> quadratic equation


For example .....  y =  x power 2      +  4x     4                              


To help solve EARTH LANGUAGE quadratic equations ..the University of Chicago has the Quad.



University of Chicago Quad Expansion Next Week Shuts

Jun 13, 2013 - The University of Chicago is closing 58th Street to extend the quad to the business school.


The above  math   law  equation   ..with component  --> ac   --> is represented by the ACLU.

ACLU University of Chicago Law Chapter --> Chapter on Quadratic equation law Blueprint of Chicago

ACLU University of Chicago Law Chapter. Organization Purpose: Promote and preserve civil liberties through legal discussions. Organization Bylaws: ARTICLE ...

Now, let's return to Lake Michigan and EARTH math.

The Earth iron core with atomic number 26 uses the 26 letters of the English alphabet and other symbols to provide Nature with a SYMBOL MACHINE with various processors and symbol engines.

In high algebra and plane geometry ... students do  their textbook math exercises on  flat sheet of paper with a pencil.  They draw graphs, parabolas, etc  along with various equations and their solutions.

Thus ..from the EARTH iron  core ............  the EARTH geography land .... in a LOCAL region is similar to a flat sheet of paper ...... and Nature's writes its messages using various configurations ........... like Lake Michigan.

At the bottom of Lake Michigan is  an EARTH iron core LINK   to  the EARTH surface city of Gary with  iron  ..its core business activity  .........  that is with iron its core data bus(iness).



The atomic English IRON language tells us the word Gary --> G + ary --> Gravity array area.

Thus at the bottom of the parabolic graph .. the minimal  ..  is some type of iron/gravity interaction point



Thus the 2 components .....gravity and iron



Thus we have the word Gary, Indiana  ..region of   Gravity field  LINKS to iron arrays  ..etc in that geography site.

In addition, we have another version of  Gary  --> G + arry --> Grammar array (expression system of iron isotopes using humanoid calculators and symbol processors  at the   IRON isotope .....   geography GRID IRON road map .... 

  Iron-56 and  56th Street 

  • Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...
  • Isotopes of iron 
  •  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...



Thus ..above we see the iron isotope university  ..with its variety of   4  EARTH LAB human specimens.



In 3 out of 4 years    .... they use the Fe = ferrous oxide iron atomic calendar value of 28  neutron days for the month of Fe = February.   Below, the neutron calendar for IRON-54   for  iron Hemoglobin life forms on  54th Street at the University of Chicago.



Thus ..we have many mysteries about the secret societies  of IRON and gravity   ..and their grammar   .... 
and the  LINK between   Gary and 56th Street.

In addition, University of Chicago   is near Lake Mic  --> La + ke + mic --> Load Address atoMIC ...
using Lake  Mic wave mechanics  get transformed in wave equations at the UC physics building.

picture - chicago 1.PNG


In addition to the EARTH iron-56 LINK of 56th Street  ..we a have the University of Chciago 

EARTH copper-63 wire  ...that is.... the  parallel to copper wire is the concrete  63rd Street.


Thus the geography  LAND surface region occupied by the  University   of Chicago   .... has many secrets that ought to be revealed.

We now have some clues about the  intellectual TRANSFORMATION  properties of Hyde Park.


Prof. Greg Engel - Chemistry - University of of Chicago

OFFICE: 929 E. 57th St., GCIS E 119, Chicago, IL 60637 ... To extract this data,
we adapted the Z-transform and applied it to


Now, let's consider an extension of the above concepts about Lake Michigan.

Let's  look at the Lake Michigan parabola contour as an algebra graph with the
horizontal x-axis going from Michigan across Lake Michigan  thru Chicago.


The vertical y-axis   passes thru the iron city of Gary.


Above, the interior of the graph is water ..... .Lake  Michigan and its wave mechanics.

On the right side is LAND of the geography state of Michigan the super-symmetry
MIRROR ..quantum state of Michigan.


On the left is the city of Chicago, Illinois  ( and north of Chicago is the geography state of Wisconsin and its sin wave equation   ...word components --> Wis + con + sin.


For now, let's assume the x-axis goes thru Chicago  and the
graph of the  ax2 + bx + c  = o --> circle shape  --->  has a solution .. a root at Chicago Circle  campus  ..the EARTH LANGUAGE sign of zero in concrete.

Remember, the bottom of the graph is iron/gravity city of Gary.


The x-axis and y-axis  intersect ...   somewhere in Lake Michigan.  

This the x-axis and Y-axis ......... the origin point   ... is  an atomic point located on the geography surface.

We have water waves ..sin waves in Lake  Michigan physical motion on a windy day.


Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  suggested description  .....

Lake  Michigan.......... .. code word

Lake  ato mic higan -->

Lake at (location)  o (origin point)  mic higan

Thus .. we believe that the  SYMBOL models and math equations of atoms ... descriptions based on extensive LAB research   ...descriptions published  in college chemistry and physics textbooks ..................... those descriptions    are in some approximate manner ....... similar to Nature's geography language, selection of locations, assignment of proper nouns, etc.

The above tiered levels ..such  as a family of existential structures at different levels ..... or a family of quadratic equations in the region .........  or different levels of perception.  

Thus TIER level PROBLEM    ...... also known as the  HIERARCHY PROBLEM in  atomic social sciences.

Now, let's advance our model  ..of the EARTH geography region and its atomic and mathematical properties   ...and Nature's identifier messages for thinkers.

Evanston --> pointer to year 1955 MIT textbook -->

Zion --> Z  input output 

Z (Atomic number) - The Free Dictionary

Z (Atomic number) synonyms, Z (Atomic number) antonyms. Information about Z (Atomic number) in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia.

The Periodic Table of Elements, with Atomic Numbers and ...

Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Z = atomic number = number of protons in the nucleus = number of electrons 

......... Michigan City -->
atomic              city  of  atomic,bio-physics humanoids with Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family problems


Valparaiso --> Val + para + is + o --> Valence paralle information systems


Now. let's look at more advanced concepts of the Chicago mathematical-physics geography signaling region  with bio-math humans.


chicago  5.PNG

Poles in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Poles in Chicago have contributed to the economic, social and cultural well-being .... people of Polish ethnicity in the Chicago metropolitan area, although some ...


[PDF]Lecture 14: Poles and zeros - DSP

Rice University

For finite values of z, poles are the roots of Q(z), but poles can also occur ... Note that the ROC clearly cannot contain any poles since by definition the ROC.


Thus we see how people and the  EARTH mathematical-physics geography surface    .... together ...form a fabric  of EARTHY space/time with human activities emebdded within that fabric.

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy ... › ... › Physics › Relativity

Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy and over one million other ....

always human, tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the…

The  Chicago loop  math .....

 Nyquist stability criterion ....... LOOP  SYSTEMS
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Because it only looks at the Nyquist plot of the open loop systems, it can be applied without explicitly computing the poles and zeros of either the closed-loop or ...

Another example ..of math and social engineering.....

Singularities, Zeros, and Poles - Full-Time Faculty

is called a singular point, or singularity of the complex function f(z) if f is not ... Definition 7.5 (Removable Singularity, Pole of order k, Essential Singularity).

Pole of order k

Pole of order k

Pole of order k

Pole of order k -->  the EARTH math continuum orders to the human  Polish-American   ... applied math .....POLE of order K = Kazmierczak



Northern Illinois University EARTH signal processing battle .... shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...


Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois ... The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local ...


Thus ...we now see the EARTH geography region identifier NOUN --> Wisconsin

Singularities, Zeros, and Poles - Full-Time Faculty


The words ............ Wisconsin geography ..spell


Thus some type of sin wave region 



The shooting at Cole Hall was at Northern in DeKalb.
..................................................................No.............De  -->  Node  --> death node

In europe ...the rope of eu+rope  ......the death Node --> Norway Demark regions ..... Utoya shootings and Liege  bombing

Michael Brown interaction casualty in the Earth iron core war

by Herb Zinser

RD-blog-number-3923 by Herb Zinser reviews the  EARTH iron core and its North / South Pole magnetic field that flows thru Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom geography region of
Fer = Ferguson, Missouri.

The  magnetic field social engineering EVENT of interest ...

  1. Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson ..

Below, the Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom region  .... EARTH LAB .geography region for SYMBOL MACHINE code --> Fer = Ferguson and the Ferguson policeman with Nature's magnetic field law enforcement identifier code...

 Ferguson  policeman .... algebra subset code letters

Fer..............pol  ice 

Ferrous oxide IRON  North/South Pole  Antartica ice


Hence, the Isaac Asimov  psychohistory math/concept equation  and its Darwinian symbol selection process for a DEMO experiment for teh EARTH iron core and its atomic number of 26 English alphabet letters  

Michael Brown and his Earth Picture SIGNAL ......

Mic .........Brown 

Atomic Brownian motion agent ..sitting at   table .....

Atomic...................................................................table SIGNAL



Images for atomic table 18 families

Thus we see that MIchael brown was really a secret agent working at the periodic atomic table level ......  and he and the Ferguson community refused to  file their science self-awareness reports on their own existence.


  Images for michael brown age 18 --> 18 families in the complete table

picture - atoms 1re.PNG

Hence we have the Michael Brown ....

Alice - 5.PNG


Police Say Mike Brown Was Killed After Struggle for Gun in ...

The New York Times

Aug 10, 2014 - The killing of the youth, Michael Brown, age 18, ignited protests on Saturday and Sunday in Ferguson, Mo., a working-class suburb of about 20,000 ..

Michael Brown, age 18   ...with PICTURE above ...sitting at a table

Mic.................................18                   table

Atomic   table with 18 columns  / families 

  • Group (periodic table) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    In chemistry, a group (also known as a family) is a column of elements in the periodic table of the chemical elements. There are 18 numbered groups in the ...
  • The Periodic Table: Families and Periods - For Dummies

    Members of the families (vertical columns) in the periodic table have similar properties. ... The newer method uses the numbers 1 through 18 ....... and age 18 atomic bio-physics messengers like Michael  Browns

We see addition information pointers in the newspaper reports 

Ferguson--> word subset letters --> Fer  --> inFer --> FermiLAB

Darren Wilson ---> D  en  Wilson --> Department of Energy Wilson Hall   .. Batavia Illinois

Finally ....

Michael Brown ..

Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion

University of Virginia

This applet demonstrates Brownian motion. the big particle can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a ...

 Brownian motion. the big particle

 Brownian motion. the big particle

 Michael Brown is Brownian motion  ( the big particle at 292 pounds weight)  moving within the Earth's magnetic field.    Hence, the magnetic field interaction with his iron HEMOGLOBIN proteins allows Nature to have an EARTH magnetic data field map with human contents.

This is in addition to the gravity field map with human contents Gabby Giffords near Route 66  ... G = Gabby --> 

Thus we see the incomplete explanations about the EVENT and black  and white  college graduates are to lazy to help me fill in the information VOID.

  • ...

    The Darwin OS/ JCL system of Nature

    by Herb Zinser

    Z-paper-691 by Herb Zinser


    The Two Cultures

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.

    dna picture 1.PNG
    picture - system 370.PNG

    Thus we see some pieces to interesting puzzles about the Darwinian evolution of human bio-computer life and activities on EARTH.

    E2 nightclub equations

    by Herb Zinser

    From the Z-papers by Herb Zinser

    Paper 644  provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of  nouns,verbs, concepts, math equations,  flowcharts, etc.  The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

    Using Galileo's suggestions  of  " 2 CHIEF WORLD  SYSTEMS"   we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the  2  CHIEF existential entities

    1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron  automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
    2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams,  math and physics equations, etc.

    Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".  

    Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

    Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
    Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
    There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


    Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities of the geography surface of EARTH. 


    Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE internals .........


    Another ladder ... with S.I. Hayakawa and language and semantics .......

    Science Wars -

    Rating: 2 - ‎5 reviews - ‎$5.00

    In the wake of the highly fractious Culture Wars, conservatives in science have ... Program in American Studies at New York University and coeditor of Social Text. ..... At a time when scientific knowledge is systematically whisked out of the ...

    Revisiting the Science Wars | Psychology Today

    Psychology Today

    Jun 1, 2012 - The first clear shot in the science wars came from Paul Gross and .




    The Two Cultures

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.



    Thus we have some clues about puzzles that exist in year 2014 ..... and the lack of depth in social science communications on serious issues. 

    Z-paper-797 --> Fort Hood science war zone

    by Herb Zinser

    Z-paper-797 by Herb Zinser covers modern war techniques of Nature ......versus human errors

    evans 5.PNG
    george orwell.PNG
    little orphan  annie daddy warbucks baghdad sandy sandy hook.PNG
    babylon iraq map.PNG

    Thus we have  some clues about ....


    Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory refers to the hypothetical presence of a single, all-encompassing, coherent ...

    Exceptionally Simple - ‎Disambiguation - ‎Philosophy

    GM automobile and the Schwarzchild radius

    by Herb Zinser

    Concept Paper CP-148 by Herb Zinser on astrophysics concepts that apply to the astrophysics SUBSET universe  ---> the astrophysics galactic LOCAL region (EARTH).


    If astrophysics laws and ideas exist for entities millions of mile away ...they may also apply to EVENTS on Nature's EARTH LAB.

    • The Schwarzschild Radius - HyperPhysics

      Georgia State University

      HyperPhysics***** Astrophysics, R Nave ... The Schwarzschild radius (event horizon) just marks the radius of a sphere past which we can get no particles, ...
    • Karl Schwarzschild - The Physics of the Universe

      His work generated many original concepts which now bear his name, such as Schwarzschild coordinates, the Schwarzschild metric, the Schwarzschild radius
    stephen hawking.PNG

    Above, we see the equation word --> marry --> math array.

    Hence, via  bio-math fe=ferrous oxide Fe= female with proper noun Jane Wi(lde) and
    her subliminal  Wi = Wisconsin post office address in EARTH's mathematical-physics gravity/magnetic  matrix field array   .....and the array mapping to the Earth geography location of Jane Wisconsin  with GM iron automobile factory  ....iron interacts with  the gravity  and NORTH POLE magnetic data fields and its SYMBOL LIFE.


    Atomic number HIGHWAY 26 is in shown below

    Janesville, wisconsin map 26 and 43.PNG

    Below, the North Pole magnetic field signal for EARTH Language researchers with Jane Wilde and the  secret communications bridge of Cam.BRIDGE university.

    little orphan  annie daddy warbucks baghdad sandy sandy hook.PNG
    We see the EPIC code above --> EARTH picture language  technology that goes back to the ZINJAN skull time period ... over 1 million years ago  ..when the optical nerve / eye /  retina saw the EXTERNAL WORLD of trees and hills and r…

    We see the EPIC code above --> EARTH picture language  technology that goes back to the ZINJAN skull time period ... over 1 million years ago  ..when the optical nerve / eye /  retina saw the EXTERNAL WORLD of trees and hills and rivers.   Modern Madison Avenue advertising uses this ancient technology to manipulate the human brain for marketing and sales goals .....  and in that process they wish to destroy the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.


    Thus we see the E Picture  and its proper  noun attachments   .... the math  mapping to modern  SPORTS military region.


    The mapping .......

    Golf sports  --> Persian GULF Pentagon sports

    Tiger Woods --> Tigerus River

    Golf BAG + DAD of Tiger Woods --> BAGhDAD 

    golf greens --> green money needed to create a  war is good for the economy



    Mathematicians use the sine function (Sin) to express the shape of a wave. The mathematical equation representing the simplest wave looks like this:


    y = Sin(x)


    This equation describes how a wave would be plotted on a graph, stating that y (the value of the vertical coordinate on the graph) is a function of the sine of the number x (the horizontal coordinate).

    picture - system 370.PNG

    The WAR to recapture Planet EARTH

    by Herb Zinser

    Concept Paper CP-132 by Herb Zinser about  the Milky Way Universe and its architectural forces (math structures, etc)  that are helping the Solar System forces (electromagnetic sunlight, gravity fields, etc)  in the battle to control EARTH  human  civilizations and their   alien, nonsense thoughts that violate  basic INTELLECTUAL standards and violate fundamental communications quality control standards.

    picture  - hex 2.PNG
    hypothesis 2.PNG

    Above,  we have the addtitonal EARTH  bio-math decision wars  ...with identifier code Ho.

    a) Vietnam War and the Ho ----> Ho Chi Minh trail  of data for math war analysts to follow.  

    b) Fort Ho in Killeen Texas and the biochemistry  amino acid trial of Nidal Hasan.

    Nature's molecular systems rejects the incomplete and biased explanations given by Washington, DC  and Texas universities .

    Texas A&M --> AMINO acid  self-awareness TEST  university is full of  social science and political science bull-stories.

    picture - system 370.PNG

    Below, the human bio-computer BRAIN WAR message broadcast  on television with  SYMBOL MACHINE language subroutine implants into the brain.

    Hence, the battle with  the Virginia TECH  English Department of  words schemes
    and "DEATH SENTENCE"   English command manipulations ...... consequently ....  the CHUCK NORRIS Texas Rangers style shoot out at NORRIS HALL using Darwinian SYMBOL LIFE proper noun selection  of Mr.CHO. .

    picture - captain picard.PNG
    cli - president clinton or climate.PNG

    Astronomy WAR Status Report

    by Herb Zinser

    Concept Paper CP-015 by Herb Zinser

    picture  - hex 2.PNG
    Time square agent hawking.PNG

    Stephen  Hawking denies the existence of  this TIMES SQUARE signal.

    His code --> 1237 + wheelchair --> carbon 12 atomic mass  LIFE  form at 37 degrees Celsius body temperature

    His code 42 --> TIME street --> year 1942

    His code --> enter at 8 --> at 8 --> atomic number 8 implies he is an oxygen breathing life form

    Cambridge  University denies the existence of Nature's  messages and signals.



    tensor space herman weyl.PNG
    john t scopes 3.PNG

    Astronomy Magazine - Waukesha WI 53186 | 262-796-8776 ... › ... › Professional ServicesNews & Media

    Astronomy Magazine - 21027 Crossroads Cir, Waukesha, WI, 53186, Waukesha

    oconomowoc  1.jpg
    astronomy magazine.PNG
    gm plant  janesville.PNG

    Z-paper-145 --> The E2 Nightclub electron dance of DEATH

    by Herb Zinser

    This Z-paper 146 by Herb Zinser   uses Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE words, languages, proper nouns, equations, and concepts to understand the CRYPTIC writings of newspaper reporters, editors and publishers,  and book authors.  


    The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.


    We are reminded of ...... 

    Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

    A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ... .... Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


    Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

    Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
    Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
    There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


    Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities of the geography surface of EARTH. 


    mapping domain range.PNG


    Let's look at some proper nouns and other words that provide CLUES to Nature's message processing system ... with possible messages for  people that are interested in CRYPTIC situations.  


    The tragic  signaling EVENT --->

    2003 E2 nightclub stampede - Wikipedia, the free ...


    The E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the E2 nightclub located above the Epitome Chicago restaurant in Chicago, Illinois, in which 21 ...

    Incident - ‎Aftermath - ‎References - ‎External links

    e2 nightclub 25.PNG

    Rod Blagojevich - Chicago Tribune‎

    Chicago Tribune

    Rod R. Blagojevich was the 40th governor of Illinois. He was first elected in 2002 and was re-elected in 2006. Blagojevich was born in Chicago in 1956.


    Thus we see some pieces to several puzzles known as the THEORY of Everything and Grand Unified Theory.

    Z-paper-881 --> Carl Jung elementary school optics messages for 3 pupils

    by Herb Zinser

    From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

    Z-paper 881.

    The education process in schools involves books with black ink symbols that are INPUT optical data streams to the human eye/ retina/  iris ,  the optical nerve and the brain PHOTON symbol computer.

    picture - em visible light.PNG

    The human student in school is 3 pupils.

    When I was in elementary  school  ...... I (male)  weighed maybe 80 pounds.

    I was an 80 pound PUPIL and had 2 eyes with pupils.

    Thus I was 3 pupils ...... however, the educational system is only concerned with the physical biology PUPIL  ..... and how to teach that PUPIL enough basic words and thoughts   ... so he grows up and gets a factory job and watches sports on TV.

    The eye/optical pupil and its philosophy education  is not considered that important.
    Only, practical knowledge is taught ... and that is good . but  society needs a a few people to think about more things.

    picture - eye images.PNG


    The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.

    We are reminded of ...... 

    Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

    A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ... .... Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...

    Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

    Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
    Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
    There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


    What are the 2 worlds?

    This paper  uses Nature's SYMBOL PROCESSORS that describe the earthly universe AND describes  its contents.

    Modern CMS (Content Management Systems) are used to describe EARTH contents   ....... .....  humans activities and  tragic signaling EVENTS.


    In year 2014 ..... the TALE of 2 Cities provides an accurate perception of existence on EARTH.

    1) physical existence of biology human beings, lumber houses, I-beams  of  iron/ cement/ glass office buildings, 4-wheeled automobiles with gasoline engines, etc

    2) SYMBOL MACHINE existence ..... cities of black ink symbols and concepts --> chemistry books, computer manuals,   college textbooks on electronics,  books of algebra equations, etc., 


    Thus we have modern view of EARTH .....  a symbol universe  that physical biology humans live within.  Humans are considered subsets  ...... living within.... embedded within Nature's symbol universe.


    A 2nd VIEW of the TWO CITIES is  .... 

    1) a physical geography city like Chicago, Illinois 

    2) c = 186,000 velocity of light ...... within the word velocity is the subset word city.

    This is an optical PHOTON city with SYMBOL LIFE .. . like Mr.math represents a school of thought - mathematics. This electromagnetic city travels at the speed of light between 2 humans that look at each other.  This process of Nature is automatic  .... .an automatic, SILENT, optical  information exchange  between people. 

    A teacher in a classroom in front of 20 students with 20/20 vision ..... gives his optical information to 20 people.

    In addition, he/ she  talks and writes on the blackboard. 

    Thus we see a complicated situation ...between language , optics, CRYPTIC newspaper articles, etc.

    But that provides for  many interesting puzzles  .....  providing pieces to the big puzzle of the THEORY of EVERYTHING.

    Z-paper-769 --> The battle of math kernels VS DeKalb seed kernels

    by Herb Zinser

    From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

    Z-paper 769 uses the SYMBOL MACHINE and its various languages and optical analysis systems to understand modern EVENTS ... such as  tragic signaling EVENTS.


    Such a signaling EVENT occurred at Cole Hall in DeKalb, Illinois.  

    The empirical data EVENT -->


    Evans Field House - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The  Evans Field House is a 6,000-seat multi-purpose arena in DeKalb, Illinois, USA. The arena opened in 1956 and was home to the Northern Illinois


    Thus we see the basic signal 

    --> oceanography implies WAVE ....  can indirectly imply electromagnetic waves of television, radio, etc

    --> field house --> indirectly  suggest electromagnetic fields  and the languages SYMBOL HOUSES contained in the photon city  within the velocity of light ... c = 186,000.

    The word --> velocity --> has an algebra subset word--> city   ... thus the optical city inside the eye / retina / optical nerve and the human brain optical computer


    --> farm/ agriculture Brand Name --> DeKLAB seeds --> word seeds --> see + ds -->
    see data set --> Nature's  solar system ....  the optics electromagnetic / photon system that keeps track of  information and existences ..... including its interaction with humanoid life forms and their elaborate optical television schemes  and  magazine color printing .... manipulation tricks..

    Hence, the optical nerve and its SYMBOL LIFE content of  English language nouns, concepts, ideas .... needed to convey  a message  about the problem .. convey the message various CLUES and pieces  to the problem puzzle needed to be sent the world.

    Nature, hoped that someone would recognize the pieces and how they fit together into one MAIN idea.  Thus a humanoid thinker   .... using the math concept ...integration by parts ..... would see the parts , the pieces of the puzzle ..........  the question being ....  do these information  pieces HAVE a larger SIGNAL of significance.

    Hence, Nature selection of the college town of DEKALB  for creation of the tragic signaling EVENT  ...the optics signal.  The college town is a region of convergence (ROC) for several key words ..... that are represented by various people, institutions, etc ...... that are bystanders to NATURE's message system.

    Thus see the ENGLISH language ...eye/ optical nerve SYMBOL PROCESSOR  keywords ...

    DeKalb  ---> also implies DeKalb SEEDS (corn and soybeans) --> SEEDS --> See data set.

    This is not new .......  the IRAQ / KuWAIT war in 1990/1991 had  the DS battles --> Desert Storm and Desert Shield ...... DS = Data SET battles  ... year 1991 optical DATA SET battles in the EARTH geography region of sunlight and sand  ....... CLUES to a larger VIEW  ....such as TOE and GUT theory and its battles.


    In addition the college town has keywords -->  Evans Field House and oceanography wave class ---> Field + wave --> electromagnetic fields are are very likely concept.


    Let's look at Z-paper 769 and look at the math Kernels battle.



    Kernel -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › General Linear Algebra


    so the kernel gives the elements from the original set that are mapped to zero by the function. Ker(f) is therefore a subset of A. The related image of a function is ... ..

    the image of a  physical biology single corn kernel that is like SYMBOL LIFE  number zero

    corn cob kernels.jpg
    math kernel zero.PNG
    dekalb  seed corn kernels.jpg

    Above, we see the messenger SYMBOL.....  the wings 

    Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster


    the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
     by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


    henry miller   book capricorn.jpg


    Tropic of Capricorn (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎


    Tropic of Capricorn is a semi-autobiographical novel by Henry Miller, first published in Paris in 1939. The novel was ... The book is a story of spiritual awakening.


    The geography ......  agriculture book on the social and sex life of
    farm boys wanting to sow their OATS  in  Paris --> Par + Is --> Parallel information systems ....

    was LINKED to  


    Tropic of Capricorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The Tropic of Capricorn is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. As of 2014, its latitude is 23° 26' 14.440" south of the Equator, but it ...

    Tropic of Cancer --->  ‎Tropic of Capricorn (novel) - ‎BBC TV series

    catcher in the rye book.jpg

    The Catcher in the Rye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger. .... Former U.S. president George H. W. Bush called it "a marvelous book," listing it among the books ...

    JD Salinger - ‎Holden Caulfield - ‎Comin' Thro' the Rye - ‎



    This farm industry book on the solar system photosynthesis message pathway had its source in RYE BREAD --> key word --> BREAD -->  B + read.

    Thus the Solar System .... electromagnetic PHOTON source code  ... 

    Oats, Wheat and Rye Grain - Hancock Seed Company › Seed VarietiesFood Plot Seed

    Products 1 - 20 of 20 - Oats, wheat and grain rye are planted during the fall ...

    Growing Grains: Wheat, Spelt, Oats, Barley, Rye and More: Organic chemistry expression systems ...‎

    Organic horticulture

    Raising grains such as wheat, spelt, oats, rice, buckwheat, barley, millet, and rye in your backyard doesn't require any special machinery, and you may be .

    grains wheat rye.PNG
    The Carl Jung  and Jung  SEEDS in Sun Praire, Wisconsin   --> give the SUN / Solar system pathway of JUNG SEE DS  ..... and now we have the addition of music lyrics..  

    The Carl Jung  and Jung  SEEDS in Sun Praire, Wisconsin   --> give the SUN / Solar system pathway of JUNG SEE DS  ..... and now we have the addition of music lyrics..



    Carl jung.PNG

    Above, we see the SOLAR SYSTEM  ..... sunlight / eye / optical nerve .... education signal -->

    University of BaseL----> Base + L -- l --> universe Base Languages

    jung seeds  catalog.PNG

    jung man symbols.PNG




    Thus we see Nature's digestive system commands to the human brain bio-computer  .....  Polish style  COLE SLAW --> the parallel sound/ phonetic commands --> Cole Slaughter --> the shooting at Cole Hall in  the message processing  region  ..... the farm agriculture ... EARTH geography country of  Northern Illinois university ...... west of Chicago.

    picture  - hex 2.PNG

    lewis structure sodium chloride salt.PNG
    iron core - Earth.PNG

    Thus we see pieces to some puzzles about the relationship between man and NATURE ...the Social Contract as outlined by  philosopher John Locke   AND the  philosophy trial at Penn State university ... with the DATA SIGNAL   pattern of words ...... with JOE Pattern Paterno  ... and  the  men's toilet / football team shower /  john / locker rooms DATA EVENT.


    Penn State denies the existence of JOHN LOCKE. Their rigged, distorted trial was a great Hollywood style performance.   The omission of many important factors and concepts in the TRIAL  is  a serious problem    ..... that reflects their student brain awareness  .. deficiency problems.



    Z-paper-718 ---> the Pentagon math insects WAR with Army ROOTWORM

    by Herb Zinser

    From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

    Z-paper 718 uses the SYMBOL MACHINE words,  equations, formula to study various problems in the SYMBOL dimension of Sartre existialism.   These SYMBOL language problems can affect the human brain  ... a bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR.



         Let's look at Nature's  SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.


    The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.


    We are reminded of ......


    Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

    A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...


    Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎

    Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


    Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel‎


    Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
    Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
    There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First,  




         Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...

    Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel‎




    GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.       

    ladder of abstraction  from umstattd site.jpg

    Thus we have the SYMBOL MACHINE military roles ....  military positions in the world of English language dictionaries, English literatures,  newspaper publishing, etc.

    Thus the identifiers ---> black ink PEN --> ink Pentagon 

    Military  role --> General -->  GENERAL SEMANTICS  ...a SYMBOL MACHINE military administration office  that NATURE's systems needs to assign to a physical biology humanoid with a adult brain that has an interest in such matters.

    Thus we have 2 types of GENERALS

    The traditional concept .....

    General officer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎


    A general officer is an officer of high military ranks, usually in the army, and in some nations, the air force. The term is widely used by many nations of the world, ...

    All general officer ranks - ‎The specific general rank - ‎General ranks by country

    AND the world of knowledge with

    GENERAL math --> with a MR.math representative

    GENERAL biochemsitry  --> a human  spokeperson

    GENERAL English language  --> needs a human bio-computer with a IBM parallel  Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL processor operating with OS/JCL SNA VTAM at 37 degrees human body temperature Celsius.

    Let's look at Z-paper 718 and its CLUES to the modern year 2014 VIEW  of a military puzzle that needs high school algebra.


    Star Trek Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

    Star Trek

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9) focuses on the 24th century adventures of Captain Benjamin Sisko on space station Deep Space 9, an outpost situated near

    The Nine Planets Solar System Tour of Project Plan Nine =  9‎

    This website is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system

    deep space nine.PNG


    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (sometimes abbreviated to ST: DS9 or DS9) is a ... near the newly discovered Bajoran wormhole, allowing access to the distant, ...

    Deep Space Nine episodes - ‎Avery Brooks - ‎Nana Visitor - ‎Cirroc Lofton



    Star Trek Bajoran Wormhole

    Discovered on stardate 46379.1 by Deep Space Nine science officer Jadzia Dax, the Bajoran Wormhole is the first and only completely stable wormhole known ...



    deep space nine wormhole.jpg

    Now, we have the Solar System signal  9  broadcast on television  and via paperback books .... an electromagnetic signal related to   SUNLIGHT  and the Nature's intellectual engineering process known as photosynthesis .... that was involved in the building of the TREE of KNOWLEDGE.


    An advanced expression of such a system ... is the English language cellulose paper expression ....



    photo + syn + thesis

    photo + syntax  + thesis ( a cellulose book printed with black ink )...


    Introductory Botany: Plants, People, and the ... - Google Books › NaturePlantsGeneral

    Clear and engaging, Linda Berg's INTRODUCTORY BOTANY: PLANTS, PEOPLE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT helps you develop an appreciation of the diverse ...



     Linda --> agent identifier code --> Lin + da --> Line of data with DA = Differential Amplifier electron circuits in her atomic, bio-physics  brain composed of:

    picture - atom 22.PNG

    picture - logan 3.PNG

    Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Wisconsin‎


    Before 1700, this region was inhabited by Potawatomi peoples descended from ... In 2003, Oconomowoc acquired Pabst Farms from the Town of Summit. Pabst ...




    History - Pabst Farms - Experience A Rare Way Of Life‎

    100-Year Legacy of Farming & Land Conservation. While many people associate the Pabst family with the famous Pabst Blue Ribbon brew, farming is an even ...

    The Pabst Archives was founded in 1994 in order to collect and preserve materials pertaining to the Pabst Mansion, the Pabst Family, Pabst Brewing Company, the Pabst Farms, and all Pabst related topics. The collection features over 5,000 photographs ranging from 1855 to the present. This captures a broad spectrum of social history experienced and documented by one family. 


    The glory days of Pabst Farm Holsteins - Wisconsin State Farmer › Features

    Jan 31, 2013 - I assured him that indeed the Pabst Farms name is far from forgotten in .... amateur historians like me know the history and fame of this land.

    corn stalk roots.PNG

    Above, the corn stalk quadratic equation  roots  in the Pabst Farm mathematical    geography region.


    In addition we had the accidental  bio-math murder of quadratic equation  PRINTER with human proper noun identifier-->

    Quad/Graphics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Quad/Graphics is an American printing company, based in Sussex, Wisconsin. It was founded on July 13, 1971, by Harry V. Quadracci

    Harry Quadracci Dies - Founder of Quad Graphics - Free Republic‎

    Free Republic

    Jul 29, 2002 - President and founder of Quad/Graphics, Harry V. "Larry" Quadracci, 66, died Monday in an apparent drowning in Pine Lake  ....



    oconomowoc map 1.PNG

    Math  social accounting crimes in Milwaukee , SUMMIT, Oconomowoc geography region....


    SUMMIT --> algebra  subset word SUM -->  Nature's  MITochondria   accounting total

    TOTZKE --> TOT + Z + KE -->  accounting TOTAL   Z (statistical estimator symbol Z ) Key  


  › NewsLocal


    The body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug. 10, 2006, according to court documents. The ax used to kill her was ........  the ax of the SYMBOL MACHINE quadratic equation that was transformed to physical biology REALITY using Mark D. TOTZKE's subliminal  MIND  as the humanoid carrierr for  Nature's  math militray actions.

    picture  - hex 2.PNG
    picture - logan 7.PNG

    Thus we see that Nature's mathematical-physics geography surface of  EARTH with COMPUTER EARTH system 370 soil / LAND ( LAND = Local Area Network  Data)   had a very important data processing experiment in progress at Pabst Farms with the 4-legged Holsteins.  The EARTH LAB site with Base 16 hexadecimal Highway  was LINKED to the quadratic equation with roots 4 --> LINKED to the  4-legged Holsteins bio-computer systems  --> subset identifier word: Holstein's --> stein's --> LINK to Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applications in  Nature's accounting SUM region of SUMMIT / Oconomowoc.

    Thus the community role in the set-up  and triggering the murder process of Mother EARTH's defense systems.


    The Roots Of Evil - Newsweek‎


    Mathematical Sciences | U.S. Army Research Laboratory‎

    United States Army Rese...

    Mathematical Sciences Division. Contact information and reports.



    • Technology - Sun Prairie Seeds‎

      ... fall armyworm, corn stalk borer, western corn root worm, northern corn root ... southern cornstalk borer,
      corn earworm,
      corn stalk borer,
      and fall army worm.

    Research Programs from BAA - Mathematical Sciences | U.S. Army ...‎

    United States Army Rese...

    Mathematical language, theory, and methods pervade research, development, testing, and evaluation encountered by the Army and the academic disciplines in ...

    fall army worm.

    fall army worm.

    fall army worm.

    First Battle of Fallujah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Date, 4 April 2004 – 1 May 2004. Location, Fallujah, Iraq. Result, Stalemate US agrees to hand control of the city to the Fallujah Brigade ...

    Background - ‎Blackwater deaths - ‎The Campaign - ‎Legacy


    reports  --> fall army rootworm --> Fallujah IRAQ battle of the ARMY  ...... super-symmetry parallel mirror to Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway  16 battle over Pabst Farms.

    Year 2004 --> Base 2 exponent 4  --> Base 16 COMPUTER EARTH LINK to Wisconsin  region data processing DATA FIELDs   --> Base 16 HEX'FA' = 250 --> Farm Data fields of Pabst Farms 

    An additional consequence involved  the University of Wisconsin INTELLECTUAL neglect to pay attention to the farm community and the Future Farmers of America  ... the EFFECT was the accidental murder of Base 16 HEX "FFA"  bio-computer organization member MATT ANDERSON .

    Wisconsin Ag Connection - Past State FFA President Killed in Farm ...‎

    Aug 20, 2007 - According to the Sauk County Sheriff's Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer at about 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning ...


    botany berg book.PNG

    Chapter 6: Introductory Botany, Plants, People and the Environment ...‎


    Vocabulary words for Plant Organs: Roots . Includes ... Chapter 6: Introductory Botany, Plants, People and the Environment, 2nd edition by Linda Berg



    • Botanical gazette - Volume 33 - Page 361 - Google Books Result

      John Merle Coulter, ‎M.S. Coulter, ‎Charles Reid Barnes - 1902 - ‎Botany

      Rheotropism is not confined to the primary root. Berg(/. c.) states that he observed it in the secondary roots of eight species of plants, while it was absent in one ...


    Thus we see the role of math roots in bio-math BOTANY  .....



    A multicellular lateral root emerges from a larger root

    A multicellular lateral root emerges from a larger root

    A multicellular lateral root emerges from a larger root  --> TREE of Knowledge roots


    picture - logan 7.PNG


    A multicellular lateral root emerges from a larger root  -

    A multicellular lateral root emerges from a larger root  -

    A multicellular lateral root emerge  .........

    A multicellular lateral root emergency    -->  Milwaukee region of SUMMIT and the quadratic equation murder SIGNAL of TOTAL/ Summit   --> Totzke math trial in Waukesha, Wisconsin


    A multicellular lateral root emergency 

    A multicellular lateral root emerge +  nc  + cy  --> emergency numerical control systems cybernetics  WAR with Norbert  Wiener (SYMBOL MACHINE book)    and  the Milwaukee  policeman Norberg  wounded in the  Norbert W. cybernetics  shooting SIGNAL.


    Thus we see CLUES to  several puzzles ...... about Nature and human events   .... mysteries we ought try to understand.




    Z-paper-711 --> The Sobolev spaces WAR in Yugoslavia with the military mathematician agent: Slobodan Milosevic

    by Herb Zinser

    From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser


    Z-paper 711 reviews the mathematical-physics and mathematical-engineering WAR in the mathematical geography surface of EARTH in the Yugoslavia region of Europe.


    Sobolev space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In mathematics, a Sobolev space is a vector space of functions equipped with a norm that is a combination of L-norms of the function itself as well as its ...

    Motivation - ‎Sobolev spaces with integer k - ‎Sobolev spaces with non-integer k


    Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics II - Springer › ... › Analysis‎  Springer Science+Busine...

    Sobolev spaces become the established and universal language of partial differential equations and mathematical analysis. Among a huge variety of problems ...


    Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE equations used Darwinian selection methods to  identify  proper nouns and their associations ...  that best approximated the concept Sobolev spaces.

    Thus the mapping from SYMBOL reality to physical biology reality with  Slobodan Milosevic and the mapping to physical geography region: Yugoslavia ..... the MATH battlefield..

    Slobodan Milošević - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to Milošević's role in the Yugoslav Wars - Slobodan Milošević was a Serbian and Yugoslav politician who was the President of Serbia ...

    Death of Slobodan Milošević - ‎Trial of Slobodan Milošević - ‎


    Yugoslav Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The Yugoslav Wars were a series of wars fought in Yugoslavia from 1991 to 2001 between the republics that sought sovereignty on one side and the ...

    Croatian War of Independence - ‎Ten-Day War - ‎Serbia in the Yugoslav Wars





    yugo balkan .war.3-31.lg.jpg


    Let's look at Z-paper 711 and its CLUES ..... about the sad SOB space ..... the pain and suffering in bio-math space at  Fort HOOD.   The bio-math data EVENT:

    Mathematical Sciences | U.S. Army Research Laboratory‎

    United States Army Rese...

    Mathematical Sciences Division.


    U.S. Army Research Laboratory
    U.S. Army Research Laboratory
    U.S. Army Research Lab  ---> Fort (LAB) Hood 

    Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The Fort Hood shooting was a jihadist mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army ...

    United States - ‎Department of the Army Police - ‎Joe Lieberman - ‎Jihadism




    The modern EARTH ... Theater of WAR ..... the stage ....... the western  stage with TEXAS cowboy style shootouts 

    Theory --> Nature's projects assigned to  math movie  directors --->

    Departments A | University of Cambridge‎

    University of Cambridge

    Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DT (map). Tel: +44 1223 ... Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of (DAMTP).

    Applications -->  Nature's stage performance needs a WEST style stage ....  such as represented by American television shows .....  Westerns.....

    Thus Nature's CHOICE of a message format: ....  the Texas style Western shoot-out    ..... and the choice of FORT HOOD(LUM)  in KILL (een) , Texas to represent the SYMBOL MACHINE bad guys  and SYMBOL MACHINE verb ... the power of words  --> KILL.

    picture - chem lab hood 1.PNG

    Super-symmetry physics MIRRORS between levels of the 11 dimensions  of existential  string theory ...  using information strings of the SYMBOL MACHINE to help understand the architecture of the signaling EVENT of the situation

    U.S. Army Research Laboratory
    U.S. Army Research Laboratory
    U.S. Army Research Lab  ---> Fort (LAB) Hood 

    Picture - chem fort hood 3.PNG

    Horseshoe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A horseshoe is a fabricated product, normally made of metal, although sometimes made partially or wholly of modern synthetic materials or  made of language syntax materials like Greek alphabet math symbols for TEXAS sample space --->   Ώ

    Farrier - ‎Horseshoes - ‎Horse hoof - ‎Horseshoe (disambiguation)

    horseshoe large.PNG

    Pentagon sample space on the math geography surface of EARTH  ... the ideal location is TEXAS horse shoe country  ...... thus horses weighing over thousand pounds ,,,,, the horse  walking and running on the geography SOIL surface of EARTH laid the foundation of sample space  ....... imprinted the mathematical SYMBOL into the ground / land / soil of  the TEXAS geography/ geology region ...... thus the weight of the horse was like a printing press and its pressure  ...  with the EARTH land like a sheet of cellulose  paper.


    Thus we see Nature's printing technology in the  works,





    Probability space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A sample space, Ω, which is the set of all possible outcomes.

    sterling hall.PNG
    picture  - hex 2.PNG

    Number theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Number theory (or arithmetic) is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers, sometimes called "The Queen of Mathematics" ...

    List of number theory topics - ‎Lehmer sieve - ‎Diophantine geometry



    Number theory ---> Numb theory and bio-math illness --> Al = Algebra problems --> Al --> Alzheimer's  memory ..... a number address space pointing to ideas / memory data fields inside the skull bio-computer.





    cry and sob - definition of cry by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and ...‎

    To sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain; weep. 2. To call loudly; shout. 3. To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal. 4. To demand ..



    SOB math space at Fort HOOD

    fort hood sob space.PNG

    The geography region of Vietnam grows the BOTANY plant rice  ..... thus the choice by the SYMBOL MACHINE  of  math battle field  DESIGN paramaters


    Vietnam --> V --> Vectors

    Rice -->  subset word of math word matrices

    Nixon --> N x N square matrix

    Spiro(w) Agnew --> row  AG --> row agriculture --> row of rice plants in a farm agriculture region can  represent linear algebra rows  ..... of matrices rows.


    Thus we see pieces to an interesting  MATH puzzle about NATURE's systems and  U.S. ARMY math expressions ....  and the code of silence by university  math students.


    Z-paper-482 --> Standard Model WAR status

    by Herb Zinser

    From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

    Z-paper 482 with  Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  and the atomic ENGLISH language analysis tool useful for understanding  the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family  and  the various REALITIES of existence.




     We see the  atomic SYMBOLS and their anger   VIA  the transformation of those INTERNAL atomic feelings  into EXTERNAL display format using atomic bio-physics humanoids  .....  such a battle  was  the Margaret…


    We see the  atomic SYMBOLS and their anger   VIA  the transformation of those INTERNAL atomic feelings  into EXTERNAL display format using atomic bio-physics humanoids  .....  such a battle  was  the Margaret Mead  tau neutrino expression   ....  the atomic social science shooting   at Vt assigned location --> Virginia TECH.


    book power of alpha.PNG
    picture - system 370.PNG



    baghdad iraq.PNG

    Iraq war map 

    Downtown Baghdad

    Spot 1 Troops raid central Baghdad

    More than 70 tanks and 60 Bradley fighting vehicles took part in a daylight thrust by the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, with tank-killing A-10 Warthog planes and pilotless drones providing air cover against mostly disorganized resistance.

    Spot 2: Snipers shoot from hotel

    During their armored thrust into the city, allied forces also surrounded the state-owned Al-Rashid Hotel for a time.

    Iraqi snipers fired on U.S. soldiers from room



    In other words ..... atomic English language VIEW

    Downtown retail store Bag with dad

    Spot 1 Troops raid central nervous system  ......  Baghdad

    More than

    70 tanks

    and 60 Bradley

    fighting vehicles took part in a daylight thrust by the Army's

    3rd Infantry Division,

    with  think  tank-killing A-10 Warthog planes and pilotless drones providing air cover against mostly disorganized resistance.



    Thus we see the numeric message  

    3 + 60  -->  system 360  AND
    3 + 70   --> system 370 

    picture  - hex 2.PNG
    iron atom 26.PNG
    gulliver travel book.PNG

    Thus we see that the periodic atomic table ....  and element IRON and its atomic number 26 arranged for the INVENTION (the  number 17 code)  of new iron communication signals with the year 1726 publication of the Fe --> Ferrous oxide book  ......  messages for CALTECH and Richard Fe.   In year 2014,   CALTECH and the students of Feynman continue to deny the existence of ferrous oxide, IRON hemoglobin  and the iron message  from over 280 years ago.


    Herbert Spencer --->

    • Online Library of Liberty - CHAPTER IV.: THE CORRESPONDENCE ...‎

      Liberty Fund

      Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.
    • §7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer‎

      by Herbert Spencer ... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. 


    Above diagram --> INTERNAL liver   

    Below picture --> EXTERNAL liver   


    livermore labs.PNG
    picture - balkan war.PNG
    oxygen atom  2 inner.PNG

    Thus we see some ideas and concepts  ... that are pieces of a puzzle about Nature's social engineering language MESSAGES   .... signals we ought try to understand. 
